Cosin08 - 0.42

Chaos Singularity 2008

Michael Schwarz
Day Sonntag (2008-07-06)
Room Konzertbar
Start time 14:45
Duration 01:00
ID 2618
Event type lecture
Track Technology
Language used for presentation en

haskell :: Lecture

An introduction to functional programming and why I think it's cool.

This Lecture gives an introduction to real-world functional programming at the example of Haskell. This is a hands-on lecture where you are encouraged to bring your own laptop.

This Lecture gives an introduction to real-world functional programming at the example of Haskell. This is a hands-on lecture where you are encouraged to bring your own laptop so you are able to try out what I am going to tell you (I was told that they don't have much internet in the KuZeB, so it my be best if you install GHC ( before the talk.).

The Lecture will be divided into two parts; The first part discusses on general features of polymorphic, statically typed and functional programming languages. The second part will give an introduction to the Haskell programming language and libraries.

If there is interest in a discussion or workshop-like event after the main lecture, I am pleased to be available for that at the comfortable group of sofas on the first floor.