21 lines
705 B

# Language-specific index based on Accept-Language header
DirectoryIndex index.var index.html
# Optional: Redirect to language specific subsite, rather than showing
# language specific content at the root
{% if htaccess_language_redirect %}
{%- for language in languages %}
Redirect /index.{{ language }}.html /{{ language }}/
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{% if htaccess_spaceapi_proxy %}
# SpaceAPI proxy service workaround for missing CORS headers
RewriteEngine on
{%- for space in hackerspaces %}
{%- if 'spaceapi' in space %}
RewriteRule ^/spaceapi-proxy{{ space.spaceapi }}$ {{ space.spaceapi.split('/', 2)[1] }}://{{ space.spaceapi.split('/', 2)[2] }} [P,L]
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}