{% extends "base.html" %} {% block header %} {# Show the username. #}

Welcome, {{ authuser.name }}

{{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block main %} {# Show the users current balance #} Your balance: {{ authuser.balance|chf }}
{# Links to deposit two common amounts of cash. TODO: Will be replaced by a nicer UI later (#20) #}
Deposit CHF 1
Deposit CHF 10

{% for product in products %} {# Show an item per product, consisting of the name, image, price and stock, triggering a purchase on click #}
{{ product.name }} Price: {% if authuser.is_member %} {{ product.price_member|chf }} {% else %} {{ product.price_non_member|chf }} {% endif %}
Picture of {{ product.name }} {% if product.stockable %} {{ stock.get_stock(product) }} {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{# Logout link #} Logout {{ super() }} {% endblock %}