from setuptools import setup, find_packages from matemat import __version__ setup( name='matemat', version=__version__, url='', license='MIT', author='s3lph', author_email='', description='Soda machine stock-keeping webservice', long_description=''' A web service for automated stock-keeping of a soda machine written in Python. It provides a touch-input-friendly user interface (as most input happens through the soda machine's touch screen). ''', packages=find_packages(exclude=['*.test']), python_requires='>=3.6', install_requires=[ 'bottle', 'file-magic', 'jinja2', 'Pillow', 'netaddr' ], extras_require={ 'test': [ 'coverage', 'pycodestyle', 'twine' ] }, test_loader='unittest:TestLoader', entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'matemat = matemat.__main__:main' ] } )