--- image: s3lph/matemat-ci:20180802-02 stages: - test - build - staging before_script: - export MATEMAT_VERSION=$(python -c 'from matemat import __version__; print(__version__)') test: stage: test script: - pip3 install -e . - sudo -u matemat python3.7 -m coverage run --rcfile=setup.cfg -m unittest discover matemat - sudo -u matemat python3.7 -m coverage combine - sudo -u matemat python3.7 -m coverage report --rcfile=setup.cfg codestyle: stage: test script: - pip3 install -e . - sudo -u matemat pycodestyle matemat build_docker: stage: build script: - docker build -t "registry.gitlab.com/s3lph/matemat:$CI_COMMIT_SHA" package/docker - docker tag "registry.gitlab.com/s3lph/matemat:$CI_COMMIT_SHA" "registry.gitlab.com/s3lph/matemat:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" - docker login -u $CI_REGISTRY_USER -p $CI_REGISTRY_TOKEN registry.gitlab.com - docker push "registry.gitlab.com/s3lph/matemat:$CI_COMMIT_SHA" - docker push "registry.gitlab.com/s3lph/matemat:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" only: - staging - master - tags build_wheel: stage: build script: - python3.7 setup.py egg_info --tag-build "+$CI_COMMIT_SHA" --tag-date bdist_wheel - python3.7 setup.py egg_info --tag-build "+$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" --tag-date bdist_wheel artifacts: paths: - "dist/*.whl" only: - deployment - staging - master - tags # This is only useful once Debian either defaults python3 to 3.7 or provides python3.7- packages # for the needed dependencies... But it SHOULD work... #build_deb: # stage: build # script: # - cp -r static/ package/debian/matemat/usr/lib/matemat/static/ # - cp -r templates/ package/debian/matemat/usr/lib/matemat/templates/ # - python3.7 setup.py egg_info -d -b +master install --root=package/debian/matemat/ --prefix=/usr --optimize=1 # - export PYTHON_BIN=$(which python3) # - cd package/debian # - mv matemat/usr/lib/python3.7/{site,dist}-packages # - mv matemat/usr/bin/matemat matemat/usr/lib/matemat/matemat # - rm -rf matemat/usr/bin # - find . -type f -exec sed -re "s#${PYTHON_BIN}#/usr/bin/python3.7#g" -i {} \; # - dpkg-deb --build matemat # - mv matemat.deb "matemat_${MATEMAT_VERSION}+${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}-1_all.deb" # artifacts: # paths: # - "package/debian/*.deb" # only: # - staging # - master # - tags build_archlinux: stage: build image: base/devel:latest # Use an archlinux image instead of the customized debian image. script: - pacman -Sy --noconfirm python python-setuptools python-pip python-wheel - cp -r static/ package/archlinux/matemat/usr/lib/matemat/static/ - cp -r templates/ package/archlinux/matemat/usr/lib/matemat/templates/ - python3 setup.py egg_info -d -b +master install --root=package/archlinux/matemat/ --prefix=/usr --optimize=1 - cd package/archlinux - mv matemat/usr/bin/matemat matemat/usr/lib/matemat/matemat - rm -rf matemat/usr/bin - makepkg -s MATEMAT_VERSION=${MATEMAT_VERSION} - mv matemat-${MATEMAT_VERSION}-1-any.pkg.tar.xz "matemat-${MATEMAT_VERSION}+${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}-1-any.pkg.tar.xz" artifacts: paths: - "package/archlinux/*.pkg.tar.xz" only: - deployment - staging - master - tags staging: stage: staging script: - eval $(ssh-agent -s) - ssh-add - <<<"$STAGING_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" - echo "$CI_COMMIT_SHA" | ssh -p 20022 -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no matemat@kernelpanic.lol environment: name: staging url: https://matemat.kernelpanic.lol/ only: - staging