#!/usr/bin/env python3 import math import os BAUD = 1200 BAUD_MARK = 1200 BAUD_SPACE = 2200 N_SHIFTS = BAUD // math.gcd(BAUD, BAUD_MARK, BAUD_SPACE) sinus1200 = [] sinus2200 = [] for t in range(int(1000000/BAUD_MARK)): sinus1200.append(int((math.sin((t * BAUD_MARK / 1000000) * 2*math.pi) + 1) * 128)) for t in range(int(1000000/BAUD_SPACE)): sinus2200.append(int((math.sin((t * BAUD_SPACE / 1000000) * 2*math.pi) + 1) * 128)) phaseShift1200 = [int((N_SHIFTS-i) * 1000000 / (6*BAUD_MARK)) % len(sinus1200) for i in range(N_SHIFTS)] phaseShift2200 = [int((N_SHIFTS-i) * 1000000 / (6*BAUD_SPACE)) % len(sinus2200) for i in range(N_SHIFTS)] with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'include/afsk_sinus.hpp'), 'w') as f: f.write(f''' #include #define BAUD {BAUD} #define BAUD_MARK {BAUD_MARK} #define BAUD_SPACE {BAUD_SPACE} #define INV_BAUD {int(1000000/BAUD)} #define N_SHIFTS {N_SHIFTS} #define N_SINUS_1200 {len(sinus1200)} #define N_SINUS_2200 {len(sinus2200)} #define SKEW_ROUNDS {round(abs(1/(int(1000000/BAUD)-1000000/BAUD)))} const PROGMEM uint8_t SINUS1200[] = {{ {', '.join([str(i) for i in sinus1200])} }}; const PROGMEM uint8_t SINUS2200[] = {{ {', '.join([str(i) for i in sinus2200])} }}; const size_t PS1200[] = {{ {', '.join([str(i) for i in phaseShift1200])} }}; const size_t PS2200[] = {{ {', '.join([str(i) for i in phaseShift2200])} }}; uint8_t timeskew = 0; void sendOne(uint32_t *us, uint8_t *phaseShift) {{ uint32_t t; while ((t = micros() - *us) < INV_BAUD + (timeskew == 0)) {{ OUT_PORT = (pgm_read_byte(&SINUS1200[ (PS1200[*phaseShift] + t) % N_SINUS_1200 ]) >> 4) | (OUT_PORT & 0xf0); }} *us += INV_BAUD + (timeskew == 0); timeskew = (timeskew + 1) % SKEW_ROUNDS; }} void sendZero(uint32_t *us, uint8_t *phaseShift) {{ uint32_t t; while ((t = micros() - *us) < INV_BAUD + (timeskew == 0)) {{ OUT_PORT = (pgm_read_byte(&SINUS2200[ (PS2200[*phaseShift] + t) % N_SINUS_2200 ]) >> 4) | (OUT_PORT & 0xf0); }} *phaseShift = (*phaseShift + 1) % N_SHIFTS; *us += INV_BAUD + (timeskew == 0); timeskew = (timeskew + 1) % SKEW_ROUNDS; }} void setZero() {{ // Setting all to LOW rather than what 0b1000000 (which would be a signal amplitude of 0) saves about 2mA @ R = 550 ohms //OUT_PORT = (pgm_read_byte(&SINUS2200[0]) >> 4) | (OUT_PORT & 0xf0); OUT_PORT &= 0xf0; }} ''') # from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # # phase_shift = 0 # time_skew = 0 # # signal = [] # skew_corrected_signal = [] # # # def one(): # global phase_shift, time_skew # for i in range(int(1000000/BAUD)): # signal.append(sinus1200[int((phaseShift1200[phase_shift]+i) % len(sinus1200))]) # for i in range(int(1000000/BAUD)+(time_skew == 0)): # skew_corrected_signal.append(sinus1200[int((phaseShift1200[phase_shift]+i) % len(sinus1200))]) # time_skew = (time_skew + 1) % 3 # # def zero(): # global phase_shift, time_skew # for i in range(int(1000000/BAUD)): # signal.append(sinus2200[int((phaseShift2200[phase_shift]+i) % len(sinus2200))]) # for i in range(int(1000000/BAUD)+(time_skew == 0)): # skew_corrected_signal.append(sinus2200[int((phaseShift2200[phase_shift]+i) % len(sinus2200))]) # phase_shift = (phase_shift + 1) % len(phaseShift2200) # time_skew = (time_skew + 1) % 3 # # # for i in range(200): # if i % 3 == 0: # one() # else: # zero() # # # plt.plot(signal, color='blue') # plt.plot(skew_corrected_signal, color='purple') # plt.vlines([i*int(1000000/BAUD) for i in range(21)], ymin=0, ymax=255, color='red') # plt.show()