--- argument_specs: main: version_added: "0.0.1" short_description: Install and configure Knot. description: - Install and configure the L(Knot,https://knot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) authoritative namesever. - Zones are configured through YAML hostvars, rather than simply deploying zone files. - "Execution of this role can be limited using the following tags:" - "C(role::knot:install): Install knot from distribution packages or upstream repositories." - "C(role::knot:config): Render the Knot configuration file." - "C(role::knot:zones): Render the zone files for which Knot is authoritative." - "C(role::knot): Apply all of the above." author: s3lph options: knot_repository_install: description: - If true, install knot from the L(upstream repositories,https://deb.knot-dns.cz/knot/). - If false, install knot from the default system repositories. type: bool default: false knot_repository_url: description: URL of the upstream repository. type: str default: https://deb.knot-dns.cz/knot/ knot_repository_distribution: description: - Suite name (distribution codename) of the upstream repository. - Defaults to the value of C(ansible_facts.distribution_release). type: str knot_server_rundir: description: Runtime directory where Knot should e.g. write its control socket to. type: str default: /run/knot knot_server_user: description: The user to run knot as. type: str default: knot knot_server_group: description: The group to run knot as. type: str default: knot knot_server_identity: description: - Response to a C(id.server. CH TXT) or C(hostname.bind. CH TXT) query. - Set to an empty value to disable. - Defaults to C(ansible_facts.hostname). type: str knot_server_nsid: description: - The RFC 5001 NSID to include in responses when requested by the resolver. - Set to an empty value to disable. - Defaults to C(ansible_facts.hostname). type: str knot_server_version: description: - Response to a C(version.server. CH TXT) or C(version.bind. CH TXT) query. - Set to an empty value to disable. - Defaults to C(ansible_facts.hostname). type: str knot_server_listen: description: - The list of interfaces to listen on. - Host and port are separated with an C(@) sign. type: list elements: str default: ["::@53", ""] knot_dns_addresses: description: - Addresses under which the nameserver is reachable externally. - Used for zone replication and notification and for KSK submission checks. - Required to be set for all members of a replicated setup. type: list elements: str default: [] knot_log_targets: description: - Logging configuration of Knot. - Every entry is a dict consisting of at least a C(target) key. - >- Details on logging configuration can be found in the U(upstream documentation,https://knot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#log-section) type: list elements: dict default: - target: syslog level: info knot_zone_master_storage_path: description: Location from where Knot should read zonefiles for which it is the primary server. type: str default: /var/lib/knot/master knot_zone_replica_storage_path: description: Location where Knot should store replicated zonefiles. type: str default: /var/lib/knot/replica knot_zone_semantic_checks: description: If set to C(on), Knot will perform additional zonefile checks. type: str default: 'on' knot_zone_dnssec_signing: description: - If set to C(on), Knot will automatically configure DNSSEC zone signing. - If set to C(off), Knot will not sign zones automatically. type: str default: 'on' knot_dnssec_policy_algorithm: description: The DNSSEC signing algorithm to use. type: str default: ed25519 knot_dnssec_policy_nsec3: description: - If set to C(on), C(NSEC3) is used instead of C(NSEC). - If set to C(off), C(NSEC) is used, which allows full zone enumeration. type: str default: 'on' knot_dnssec_policy_nsec3_salt_length: description: - Length of the NSEC3 salt field. - >- Use of a NSEC3 salt is discouraged by U(RFC 9276,https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9276#section-3.1). type: int default: 0 knot_dnssec_policy_ksk_size: description: - Size (in bits) of the KSK. - >- Permitted values in combination with O(knot_dnssec_policy_algorithm) are documented in the U(upstream documentation,https://knot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#ksk-size). type: int default: 256 knot_dnssec_policy_zsk_size: description: - Size (in bits) of the KSK. - >- Permitted values in combination with O(knot_dnssec_policy_algorithm) are documented in the U(upstream documentation,https://knot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#ksk-size). type: int default: 256 knot_dnssec_policy_zsk_lifetime: description: Time after which the ZSK should be rotated automatically. type: str default: 30d knot_dnssec_policy_ksk_lifetime: description: Time after which the KSK should be rotated automatically. type: str default: "0" knot_dnssec_policy_cds_publish: description: - If and when to publish C(CDS) and C(CDNSKEY) records. - >- Supported values and their meaning are documented in the U(upstream documentation,https://knot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html#cds-cdnskey-publish) - Do not use the C(double-ds) policy when performing automated KSK rollovers. It will break the chain of trust. type: str default: 'always' knot_dnssec_policy_propagation_delay: description: Additional time to wait before continuing with each step of a key rollover. type: str default: 1h knot_dnssec_submission_check_interval: description: How often during a KSK rollover Knot should check submission nameservers for the new DS RRSet. type: str default: 1h knot_dnssec_submission_timeout: description: - >- Time after which a KSK submission to the parent nameserver should automatically be considered successful, even if the new DS RRSet has not been found on the submussion nameserver. type: str default: "0" knot_tsig_key: description: - The TSIG key used by this host for zone transfers or updates. - >- This shared key will be configured automatically for all zones involving this host in O(replicas) or O(updaters). type: dict default: null options: name: description: - The name of the key. - Should be a FQDN including the trailing C(.), e.g. C(tsig.hostname.example.org.). type: str required: true algorithm: description: The key algorithm, e.g. C(hmac-sha384). type: str required: true secret: description: - The shared secret of this key. - Generate a new key with e.g. C(keymgr -t tsig.foo.example.org. hmac-sha384). - This is a secret. Protect it e.g. with C(ansible-vault)! type: str required: true knot_zone_*: description: - Zone configurations, one top-level dict per zone. - >- Recomendation: You can use an arbitrary string after C(knot_zone_), but we recommend to use the zone name with C(.) replaced by (_). - "Recommendation: Keep one file per zone in C(group_vars/nameservers/zones/zone_.yml)." type: dict required: false options: name: description: Fully qualified name of the zone, including the trailing C(.). type: str required: true soa: description: Contains the values required to synthesize the C(SOA) record of the zone apex. type: dict required: true options: class: description: Class for the records in this zone, usually C(IN). type: str required: true primary: description: - FQDN of the autoritative nameserver of the zone. - Also known as C(MNAME). type: str required: true rname: description: - Email address of the administrator. - The C(@) must be replaced with a C(.). - C(.) in the localpart must be escaled as C(\.). type: str required: true refresh: description: - How often (in seconds) replicas should query the primary for SOA changes. type: int required: true retry: description: - How long (in seconds) replicas should wait to retry a failed zone transfer. type: int required: true expire: description: - How long after the last update (in seconds) replicas should stop serving a zone. type: int required: true ttl: description: - Default TTL (in seconds) for all entries in the zone, and TTL of the SOA record. type: int required: true min_ttl: description: - TTL (in seconds) of negative responses. type: int required: true records: description: - All the records in this zone go here. type: list elements: dict options: name: description: - Name of the record. - Records without a trailing C(.) are relative to the zone apex. - Use C(@) to refer to the zone apex itself. type: str required: true ttl: description: - TTL of this record. - If omitted, defaults to the zone TTL set in the O(soa) section. type: int class: description: - Class of this record. - If omitted, defaults to the class set in the O(soa) section. type: str type: description: Type of the record, e.g. C(AAAA), C(A) or C(CNAME). type: str required: true value: description: - Value of the record. - >- Length restrictions for TXT records apply. Subdivide them with single-quoted double quotes e.g. C('"first part of the txt record " "second part of the txt record"') type: str required: true masters: description: - Hostnames of servers which should act as a primary for this zone. - Zonefile will be deployed to hosts whose C(inventory_hostname) is contained in this list. type: list default: [] replicas: description: - Hostnames of servers which should at as a replica for this zone. - >- Hosts whose C(inventory_hostname) is contained in this list are automatically configured to replicate this zone. updaters: description: - Hostnames of servers which should be permitted to submit TSIG zone updates for this zone. - >- The O(knot_tsig_key)s of hosts whose C(inventory_hostname) is contained in this list are configured as permitted TSIG updaters for this zone. - The inventory entry for this host can be a dummy. Its hostvars are only used to fetch the key. parents: description: - Hostnames of servers which should be checked for KSK submissions. - >- The O(knot_dns_addresses) of hosts whose C(inventory_hostname) is contained in this list are configured as KSK submission servers, which are regularly checked to verify the upstream DS RRSet. - The inventory entry for this host can be a dummy. Its hostvars are only used to hold its IPs. algorithm: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_algorithm). type: str ksk_size: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_ksk_size). type: str zsk_size: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_zsk_size). type: str ksk_lifetime: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_ksk_lifetime). type: str zsk_lifetime: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_zsk_lifetime). type: str propagation_delay: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_propagation_delay). type: str cds_cdnskey_publish: description: Zone-specific override for O(knot_dnssec_policy_cds_publish). type: str sign_on_secondary: description: - Whether Knot should sign this zone even if it is not the primary nameserver. - Useful if Knot is used with a hidden primary that does not support DNSSEC. type: bool default: false replicate: description: - >- Note: This option is used for more complex replication hierarchies. Chances are you want to use O(replicas) instead. - Configure further replication to other nameservers even if the server is already a replica itself. - This works in addition to the replication configured through O(masters)/O(replicas). - Takes a dict where each upstream is mapped to a list of downstreams. type: dict default: {}