--- {{ ansible_managed | comment }} modules: http_2xx: prober: http http: valid_status_codes: - 200 - 204 # No content is ok, often returned by some APIs {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true # A simple ICMP probe, used for network equipment, such as switches icmp: prober: icmp # Check that the address returns a 401 Unautorized when queried without user credentials http_auth_required: prober: http http: valid_status_codes: - 401 {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true http_modified: prober: http http: valid_status_codes: - 200 {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true ssh: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} query_response: - expect: "^SSH-2.0.*" tls: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls: true znc: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls: true query_response: - send: "PASS :{{ blackbox_znc_pass }}\r\n" - send: "NICK {{ blackbox_znc_nick }}\r\n" - send: "USER {{ blackbox_znc_nick }} * * :{{ blackbox_znc_fullname }}\r\n" - expect: "^:.* 464 {{ blackbox_znc_nick }} :.*$" irc: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} query_response: - send: "NICK {{ blackbox_irc_nick }}\r\n" - send: "USER {{ blackbox_irc_nick }} * * :{{ blackbox_irc_fullname }}\r\n" - expect: "^:.* {{ blackbox_irc_nick }} :.*$" ircs: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls: true {% if blackbox_ircs_tlsname is defined -%} tls_config: server_name: "{{ blackbox_ircs_tlsname }}" {% endif -%} query_response: - send: "NICK {{ blackbox_ircs_nick }}\r\n" - send: "USER {{ blackbox_ircs_nick }} * * :{{ blackbox_ircs_fullname }}\r\n" - expect: "^:.* {{ blackbox_ircs_nick }} :.*$" smtp: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} query_response: - expect: "^220 .*SMTP .*$" - send: "HELO {{ blackbox_smtp_name }}" - expect: "^250 .*$" - send: "QUIT" smtp_starttls: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} query_response: - expect: "^220 .*SMTP .*$" - starttls: true - send: "HELO {{ blackbox_smtp_name }}" - expect: "^250 .*$" - send: "QUIT" smtps: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls: true query_response: - expect: "^220 .*SMTP .*$" - send: "HELO {{ blackbox_smtp_name }}" - expect: "^250 .*$" - send: "QUIT" imap: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} query_response: - expect: "^\\* OK .*$" imaps: prober: tcp timeout: 2s tcp: {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls: true query_response: - expect: "^\\* OK .*$" nextcloud_installed: prober: http http: valid_status_codes: - 200 {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true fail_if_body_not_matches_regexp: - "\"installed\":true" nextcloud_maintenance: prober: http http: valid_status_codes: - 200 {% if blackbox_prefer_ipv4 -%} preferred_ip_protocol: ip4 {% endif -%} tls_config: insecure_skip_verify: true fail_if_body_not_matches_regexp: - "\"maintenance\":false" - "\"needsDbUpgrade\":false"