# erfamap Generate a map similar to https://www.ccc.de/regional from Wikidata and the doku.ccc.de Semantic MediaWiki data. ## TL;DR ``` pip3 install -r requirements.txt export DOKU_CCC_DE_BASICAUTH=username:password ./generate_map.py --update-erfalist ``` ![Map as generated by this tool](map.readme.png) ## Installation 1. Create a Python virtualenv: `python3 -m virtualenv venv` 1. Enable the virtualenv: `. venv/bin/activate` 1. Install the dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt` Instead of following these steps, you could also install the dependencies from your OS' package manager. ## Usage For a quick test run, point the script at the cache.example directory: ``` ./generate_map.py --cache-directory cache.example ``` Find the result in the files `map.svg` and `map.png`. **If the wrong font is used in the PNG, make sure the chosen font is installed on your system.** ([CairoSVG](https://cairosvg.org/) does not support the use of `@font-face` in style sheets.) Usually you'll want to keep the border cache, but renew the Erfa & Chaostreff list from time to time: ``` ./generate_map.py --update-erfalist ``` For this, you need to provide the HTTP Basic Auth credentials to doku.ccc.de via an environment variable: ``` export DOKU_CCC_DE_BASICAUTH=username:password ``` A run without cache takes some time as it fetches all data from their sources: 1. Get a list of countries in Europe and federal states in Germany from [Wikidata](https://wikidata.org). 1. Download all these countries' and states' border shapes from Wikimedia Commons. 1. Get a list of Erfas & Chaostreffs from the doku.ccc.de Semantic Mediawiki API. 1. Resolve all POIs' (Erfas & Chaostreffs) street addresses' to geocoordinates using [Nominatim](https://nominatim.org/). **Use the cache at least for the country and state borders. Otherwise, Wikidata will start rate limiting pretty quickly.** ## License Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this repository are licensed under the MIT License (See LICENSE). ### Fonts The font contained in `style/concertone-regular.ttf` was created by Johan Kallas (johankallas@gmail.com) and is licensed unter the terms of the SIL Open Font License v1.10. ### Geoshape Data The geoshape data contained in `cache.example` is in the public domain.