# flow3r-openhab An app for the CCCamp 2023 [flow3r][flow3r] badge that submits detected touch gestures to an MQTT broker. I wrote this so that the flow3r can be used as a remote control for OpenHAB (which subscribes to the MQTT broker), but it should be usable with other subscribers as well. ## Installation 1. Copy `flow3r_openhab/config.example.json` to `flow3r_openhab/config.json` and enter your configuration details. 1. Copy the `flow3r_openhab` directory to `/sys/apps/flow3r_openhab` on the flow3r's flash filesystem. 1. Reboot the flow3r and start the `OpenHAB` app ## MQTT Topics * `flow3r-/event`: The app publishes events to this topic. see "Events" below. * `flow3r-/status`: The app publishes the string `Online` to this topic when started, and submits an `Offline` LWT message. * `flow3r-/ui_config`: You can publish a label for each petal to this topic, which will be shown on the flow3r's display. See "UI Config" below. ## Events The touch events detected by the flow3r are published to the topic `flow3r-/event`. Each event is a JSON string that looks like this: ```json {"mode":"Numbers","petal":"2","event":"touch_tip","dx":8083,"dy":6960,"duration":150} ``` The keys and their values are defined as follows: | Key | Value | |:---|:---| | `mode` | The mode that has been set via the `ui_config` topic, see "UI Config" below. | | `petal` | The petal the event was detected on. Uses the numbers printed on the PCB (1-10), rather than the `captouch` indexes (0-9). | | `event` | The type of gesture that was detected. One of `touch_tip`, `touch_base`, `swipe_up`, `swipe_right`, `swipe_down`, `swipe_left`, whereas `swipe_up` always means a swipe towards the tip of the petal, and `swipe_down` towards its base. | | `dx` | The distance between start and end of the touch event in `x` (base-to-tip) direction. Unitless number, as returned by [captouch's `position()` function][captouch]. | | `dy` | The distance between start and end of the touch event in `y` (side-to-side) direction. | | `duration` | The duration between start and end of the touch event in `ms`. | ## UI Config The app subscribes to the topic `flow3r-/ui_config`, at which it listens for JSON arrays such as below: ```json { "mode": "Numbers", "labels": ["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X"] } ``` * `labels`: Each position in the array corrensponds to one of the petals, and the text for each petal is shown on the display close to the corresponding petal. * `mode`: The text is shown in big in the center of the display. It is also sent with each event, so that subscribers can perform differnt actions depending on the active mode. ## Integration into OpenHAB The following is an example of how this can be integrated into OpenHAB. The recommended `Thing` definition is as follows: ```yaml label: flow3r thingTypeUID: mqtt:topic configuration: availabilityTopic: flow3r-/status payloadNotAvailable: Offline payloadAvailable: Online channels: - id: event channelTypeUID: mqtt:trigger label: Event configuration: stateTopic: flow3r-/event - id: ui_config channelTypeUID: mqtt:string label: UI Config configuration: commandTopic: flow3r-/ui_config ``` The UI Config can be performed easiest by creating a rule that is triggered by the `Online` message on the status topic: ```yaml configuration: {} triggers: - id: "1" configuration: thingUID: mqtt:topic:... status: ONLINE type: core.ThingStatusUpdateTrigger conditions: [] actions: - inputs: {} id: "2" configuration: itemName: flow3r_ui_config # item needs to be created and linked to the ui_config topic beforehand command: '{"labels":["I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X"]}' type: core.ItemCommandAction ``` For handling touch gestures, another rule can be created; the example below runs a JS script that parses the JSON payload and reacts on a long press on petal 10: ```yaml configuration: {} triggers: - id: "1" configuration: thingUID: mqtt:topic:... channelUID: mqtt:topic:...:event type: core.ChannelEventTrigger conditions: [] actions: - inputs: {} id: "2" type: script.ScriptAction configuration: type: application/javascript script: >- var payload = JSON.parse(this.event.event); if (payload.petal == "10" && payload.duration > 1000) { console.log("longpress!"); } ``` ## License MIT License [flow3r]: https://flow3r.garden/ [captouch]: https://docs.flow3r.garden/api/captouch.html#captouch.CaptouchPetalState.position