{% extends "base.html" %} {% block header %} {# If the logged in user is an administrator, call the title "Administration", otherwise "Settings" #} {% if authuser.is_admin %} <h1>Administration</h1> {% else %} <h1>Settings</h1> {% endif %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block main %} {# Always show the settings a user can edit for itself #} {% include "admin_all.html" %} {# Only show the "restricted" section if the user is an admin #} {% if authuser.is_admin %} {% include "admin_restricted.html" %} {% endif %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block eanwebsocket %} {% if authuser.is_admin %} let eaninput = document.getElementById("admin-newproduct-ean"); eaninput.value = e.data; eaninput.select(); eaninput.scrollIntoView(); {% else %} let tokeninput = document.getElementById("admin-newtoken-token"); tokeninput.value = e.data; tokeninput.select(); tokeninput.scrollIntoView(); {% endif %} {% endblock %}