<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    {% block head %}
        {# Show the setup name, as set in the config file, as tab title. Don't escape HTML entities. #}
        <title>{{ setupname|safe }}</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/matemat.css"/>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/theme.css"/>
    {% endblock %}


    {% block header %}

        <nav class="navbarbutton">
        {# Show a link to the settings, if a user logged in via password (authlevel 2). #}
        {% if authlevel|default(0) > 1 %}
            {% if authuser is defined %}
                <a href="/">Home</a>
                {# If a user is an admin, call the link "Administration".  Otherwise, call it "Settings". #}
                {% if authuser.is_admin %}
                    <a href="/admin">Administration</a>
                    <a href="/statistics">Sales Statistics</a>
                {% else %}
                    <a href="/admin">Settings</a>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block notifications %}
    {% for n in notifications | default([]) %}
    <div class="notification {{ n.classes | join(' ') }}">{{ n.msg|safe }}</div>
    {% endfor %}
    {% endblock %}
    {% block main %}
        {# Here be content. #}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block footer %}
        {# Show some information in the footer, e.g. the instance name, the version, and copyright info. #}
            <li> {{ setupname|safe }}
            <li> Matemat {{ __version__ }}
            <li> MIT License
            <li> git.kabelsalat.ch/s3lph/matemat
    {% endblock %}

{% if eanwebsocket %}
 function connect() {
     let socket = new WebSocket("{{ eanwebsocket }}");
     socket.onclose = () => { setTimeout(connect, 1000); };
     socket.onmessage = {% block eanwebsocket %}() => {}{% endblock %};
 window.addEventListener("load", () => { connect(); });
{% endif %}