529 lines
20 KiB
529 lines
20 KiB
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple
import unittest
import urllib.parse
from matemat.webserver import RequestArgument, RequestArguments
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from matemat.webserver.requestargs import _View
class TestRequestArguments(unittest.TestCase):
Test cases for the RequestArgument class.
def test_create_default(self):
Test creation of an empty RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo')
# Name must be set to 1st argument
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
# Must be a 0-length array
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
# Must not be a view
def test_create_str_scalar(self):
Test creation of a scalar RequestArgument with string value.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('text/plain', 'bar'))
# Name must be set to 1st argument
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
# Must be a scalar, length 1
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Scalar value must be representable both as str and bytes
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str())
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes())
# Content-Type must be set correctly
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type())
# Using 0 indices must yield the same results
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str(0))
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes(0))
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type(0))
# Using other indices must result in an error
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
# Must not be a view
def test_create_str_scalar_array(self):
Test creation of a scalar RequestArgument with string value, passing an array instead of a single tuple.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [('text/plain', 'bar')])
# Name must be set to 1st argument
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
# Must be a scalar, length 1
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Scalar value must be representable both as str and bytes
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str())
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes())
# Content-Type must be set correctly
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type())
# Using 0 indices must yield the same results
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str(0))
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes(0))
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type(0))
# Using other indices must result in an error
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
# Must not be a view
def test_create_bytes_scalar(self):
Test creation of a scalar RequestArgument with bytes value.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('application/octet-stream', b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe'))
# Name must be set to 1st argument
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
# Must be a scalar, length 1
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Conversion to UTF-8 string must fail; bytes representation must work
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', ra.get_bytes())
# Content-Type must be set correctly
self.assertEqual('application/octet-stream', ra.get_content_type())
# Using 0 indices must yield the same results
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', ra.get_bytes(0))
self.assertEqual('application/octet-stream', ra.get_content_type(0))
# Using other indices must result in an error
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
# Must not be a view
def test_create_array(self):
Test creation of an array RequestArgument with mixed str and bytes initial value.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [
('text/plain', 'bar'),
('application/octet-stream', b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe')
# Name must be set to 1st argument
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
# Must be an array, length 2
self.assertEqual(2, len(ra))
# Retrieving values without an index must yield the first element
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str())
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes())
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type())
# The first value must be representable both as str and bytes, and have ctype text/plain
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str(0))
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes(0))
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type(0))
# Conversion of the second value to UTF-8 string must fail; bytes representation must work
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', ra.get_bytes(1))
# The second value's ctype must be correct
self.assertEqual('application/octet-stream', ra.get_content_type(1))
# Must not be a view
def test_append_empty_str(self):
Test appending a str value to an empty RequestArgument.
# Initialize the empty RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo')
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
# Append a string value
ra.append('text/plain', 'bar')
# New length must be 1, empty array must be converted to scalar
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Retrieval of the new value must work both in str and bytes representation
self.assertEqual('bar', ra.get_str())
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes())
# Content type of the new value must be correct
self.assertEqual('text/plain', ra.get_content_type())
# Must not be a view
def test_append_empty_bytes(self):
Test appending a bytes value to an empty RequestArgument.
# Initialize the empty RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo')
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
# Append a bytes value
ra.append('application/octet-stream', b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe')
# New length must be 1, empty array must be converted to scalar
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Conversion of the new value to UTF-8 string must fail; bytes representation must work
with self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError):
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', ra.get_bytes())
# Content type of the new value must be correct
self.assertEqual('application/octet-stream', ra.get_content_type())
# Must not be a view
def test_append_multiple(self):
Test appending multiple values to an empty RequestArgument.
# Initialize the empty RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo')
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
# Append a first value
ra.append('text/plain', 'bar')
# New length must be 1, empty array must be converted to scalar
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes())
# Append a second value
ra.append('application/octet-stream', b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe')
# New length must be 2, scalar must be converted to array
self.assertEqual(2, len(ra))
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes(0))
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', ra.get_bytes(1))
# Append a third value
ra.append('text/plain', 'Hello, World!')
# New length must be 3, array must remain array
self.assertEqual(3, len(ra))
self.assertEqual(b'bar', ra.get_bytes(0))
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', ra.get_bytes(1))
self.assertEqual(b'Hello, World!', ra.get_bytes(2))
def test_clear_empty(self):
Test clearing an empty RequestArgument.
# Initialize the empty RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo')
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
# Clearing an empty RequestArgument shouldn't have any effect
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
def test_clear_scalar(self):
Test clearing a scalar RequestArgument.
# Initialize the scalar RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('text/plain', 'bar'))
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Clearing a scalar RequestArgument should reduce its size to 0
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_clear_array(self):
Test clearing an array RequestArgument.
# Initialize the array RequestArgument
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [
('text/plain', 'bar'),
('application/octet-stream', b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe'),
('text/plain', 'baz'),
self.assertEqual(3, len(ra))
# Clearing an array RequestArgument should reduce its size to 0
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.name)
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_iterate_empty(self):
Test iterating an empty RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo')
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
# No value must be yielded from iterating an empty instance
for _ in ra:
def test_iterate_scalar(self):
Test iterating a scalar RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('text/plain', 'bar'))
# Counter for the number of iterations
count: int = 0
for it in ra:
# Make sure the yielded value is a scalar view and has the same name as the original instance
self.assertIsInstance(it, _View)
self.assertEqual('foo', it.name)
count += 1
# Only one value must be yielded from iterating a scalar instance
self.assertEqual(1, count)
def test_iterate_array(self):
Test iterating an array RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [('text/plain', 'bar'), ('abc', b'def'), ('xyz', '1337')])
# Container to put the iterated ctypes into
items: List[str] = list()
for it in ra:
# Make sure the yielded values are scalar views and have the same name as the original instance
self.assertIsInstance(it, _View)
# Collect the value's ctype
# Compare collected ctypes with expected result
self.assertEqual(['text/plain', 'abc', 'xyz'], items)
def test_slice(self):
Test slicing an array RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('e', 'f'), ('g', 'h'), ('i', 'j'), ('k', 'l')])
# Create the sliced view
sliced = ra[1:4:2]
# Make sure the sliced value is a view
self.assertIsInstance(sliced, _View)
# Make sure the slice has the same name
self.assertEqual('foo', sliced.name)
# Make sure the slice has the expected shape (array of the 2nd and 4th scalar in the original)
self.assertEqual(2, len(sliced))
self.assertEqual('d', sliced.get_str(0))
self.assertEqual('h', sliced.get_str(1))
def test_iterate_sliced(self):
Test iterating a sliced array RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('e', 'f'), ('g', 'h'), ('i', 'j'), ('k', 'l')])
# Container to put the iterated ctypes into
items: List[str] = list()
# Iterate the sliced view
for it in ra[1:4:2]:
# Make sure the yielded values are scalar views and have the same name as the original instance
self.assertIsInstance(it, _View)
self.assertEqual('foo', it.name)
# Make sure the expected values are collected (array of the 2nd and 4th scalar in the original)
self.assertEqual(['c', 'g'], items)
def test_index_scalar(self):
Test indexing of a scalar RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('bar', 'baz'))
# Index the scalar RequestArgument instance, obtaining an immutable view
it = ra[0]
# Make sure the value is a scalar view with the same properties as the original instance
self.assertIsInstance(it, _View)
self.assertEqual('foo', it.name)
self.assertEqual('bar', it.get_content_type())
self.assertEqual('baz', it.get_str())
# Make sure other indices don't work
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
_ = ra[1]
def test_index_array(self):
Test indexing of an array RequestArgument.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')])
# Index the array RequestArgument instance, obtaining an immutable view
it = ra[1]
# Make sure the value is a scalar view with the same properties as the value in the original instance
self.assertIsInstance(it, _View)
self.assertEqual('foo', it.name)
self.assertEqual('c', it.get_content_type())
self.assertEqual('d', it.get_str())
def test_view_immutable(self):
Test immutability of views.
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('bar', 'baz'))
# Index the scalar RequestArgument instance, obtaining an immutable view
it = ra[0]
# Make sure the returned value is a view
self.assertIsInstance(it, _View)
# Make sure the returned value is immutable
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
it.append('foo', 'bar')
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_str_shorthand(self):
Test the shorthand for get_str(0).
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('bar', 'baz'))
self.assertEqual('baz', str(ra))
def test_bytes_shorthand(self):
Test the shorthand for get_bytes(0).
ra = RequestArgument('foo', ('bar', b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe'))
self.assertEqual(b'\x00\x80\xff\xfe', bytes(ra))
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
def test_insert_garbage(self):
Test proper handling with non-int indices and non-str/non-bytes data
ra = RequestArgument('foo', 42)
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
ra = RequestArgument('foo', (None, 42))
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
def test_requestarguments_index(self):
Make sure indexing a RequestArguments instance creates a new entry on the fly.
ra = RequestArguments()
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra))
self.assertFalse('foo' in ra)
# Create new entry
_ = ra['foo']
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
self.assertTrue('foo' in ra)
# Already exists, no new entry created
_ = ra['foo']
self.assertEqual(1, len(ra))
# Entry must be empty and mutable, and have the correct name
self.assertEqual(0, len(ra['foo']))
self.assertEqual('foo', ra['foo'].name)
# Key must be a string
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
_ = ra[42]
def test_requestarguments_attr(self):
Test attribute access syntactic sugar.
ra = RequestArguments()
# Attribute should not exist yet
with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
_ = ra.foo
# Create entry
_ = ra['foo']
# Creating entry should have created the attribute
self.assertEqual('foo', ra.foo.name)
# Attribute access should yield an immutable view
def test_requestarguments_iterate(self):
Test iterating a RequestArguments instance.
# Create an instance with some values
ra = RequestArguments()
ra['foo'].append('a', 'b')
ra['bar'].append('c', 'd')
ra['foo'].append('e', 'f')
# Container for test values (name, value)
items: Set[Tuple[str, str]] = set()
# Iterate RequestArguments instance, adding the name and value of each to the set
for a in ra:
items.add((a.name, str(a)))
# Compare result with expected value
self.assertEqual(2, len(items))
self.assertIn(('foo', 'b'), items)
self.assertIn(('bar', 'd'), items)
def test_requestarguments_full_use_case(self):
Simulate a minimal RequestArguments use case.
# Create empty RequestArguments instance
ra = RequestArguments()
# Parse GET request
getargs: Dict[str, List[str]] = urllib.parse.parse_qs('foo=42&bar=1337&foo=43&baz=Hello,%20World!')
# Insert GET arguments into RequestArguments
for k, vs in getargs.items():
for v in vs:
ra[k].append('text/plain', v)
# Parse POST request
postargs: Dict[str, List[str]] = urllib.parse.parse_qs('foo=postfoo&postbar=42&foo=postfoo')
# Insert POST arguments into RequestArguments
for k, vs in postargs.items():
# In this implementation, POST args replace GET args
for v in vs:
ra[k].append('text/plain', v)
# Someplace else: Use the RequestArguments instance.
self.assertEqual('1337', ra.bar.get_str())
self.assertEqual('Hello, World!', ra.baz.get_str())
self.assertEqual('42', ra.postbar.get_str())
for a in ra.foo:
self.assertEqual('postfoo', a.get_str())