734 lines
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734 lines
33 KiB
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type
import crypt
from hmac import compare_digest
from datetime import datetime
from matemat.db.primitives import User, Product, ReceiptPreference, Receipt,\
Transaction, Consumption, Deposit, Modification
from matemat.exceptions import AuthenticationError, DatabaseConsistencyError
from matemat.db import DatabaseWrapper
from matemat.db.wrapper import DatabaseTransaction
class MatematDatabase(object):
This class provides a facade that abstracts every (TM) needed database access in high level functions.
Usage example (creating a user, changing the users touchkey, login as that user and delete the user:
with MatematDatabase('/srv/matemat/production.sqlite3') as db:
user: User = db.create_user('testuser', 'supersecurepassword')
db.change_touchkey(user, 'supersecurepassword', '048cdef')
user2: User = db.login('testuser', touchkey='048cdef')
def __init__(self, filename: str) -> None:
Create a new database facade. This does not connect to the SQLite3 database yet. To actually open the
connection, use the Context Manager 'with' syntax (PEP 343), e.g.:
with MatematDatabase('path/to/database.sqlite3') as db:
:param filename: The SQLite3 database file to use.
self.db: DatabaseWrapper = DatabaseWrapper(filename)
def __enter__(self) -> 'MatematDatabase':
# Pass context manager stuff through to the database wrapper
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type: Type, exc_val: Any, exc_tb: Any) -> None:
# Pass context manager stuff through to the database wrapper
self.db.__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)
def transaction(self, exclusive: bool = True) -> DatabaseTransaction:
Begin a new SQLite3 transaction (exclusive by default). You should never need to use the returned object (a
Transaction instance). It is provided in case there is a real need for it (e.g. for unit testing).
This function should be used with the Context Manager 'with' syntax (PEP 343), yielding a sqlite3.Cursor, e.g.:
with db.transaction():
:param exclusive: Whether to begin an exclusive transaction or not, defaults to True (exclusive).
:return: A a transaction object.
return self.db.transaction(exclusive=exclusive)
def has_admin_users(self) -> bool:
Check whether the instance has any admin users configured.
:return: True if there are admin users, false otherwise.
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
c.execute('SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM users WHERE is_admin = 1')
n, = c.fetchone()
return n > 0
def list_users(self, with_touchkey: bool = False) -> List[User]:
Return a list of users in the database.
:param with_touchkey: If true, only lists those users that have a touchkey set. Defaults to false.
:return: A list of users.
users: List[User] = []
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
for row in c.execute('''
SELECT user_id, username, email, is_admin, is_member, balance, receipt_pref
FROM users
WHERE touchkey IS NOT NULL OR NOT :must_have_touchkey
''', {
'must_have_touchkey': with_touchkey
# Decompose each row and put the values into a User object
user_id, username, email, is_admin, is_member, balance, receipt_p = row
receipt_pref: ReceiptPreference = ReceiptPreference(receipt_p)
except ValueError:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'{receipt_p} is not a valid ReceiptPreference')
users.append(User(user_id, username, balance, email, is_admin, is_member, receipt_pref))
return users
def get_user(self, uid: int) -> User:
Return a user identified by its user ID.
:param uid: The user's ID.
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
# Fetch all values to construct the user
SELECT user_id, username, email, is_admin, is_member, balance, receipt_pref
FROM users
WHERE user_id = ?
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise ValueError(f'No user with user ID {uid} exists.')
# Unpack the row and construct the user
user_id, username, email, is_admin, is_member, balance, receipt_p = row
receipt_pref: ReceiptPreference = ReceiptPreference(receipt_p)
except ValueError:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'{receipt_p} is not a valid ReceiptPreference')
return User(user_id, username, balance, email, is_admin, is_member, receipt_pref)
def create_user(self,
username: str,
password: str,
email: Optional[str] = None,
admin: bool = False,
member: bool = True) -> User:
Create a new user.
:param username: The name of the new user.
:param password: The user's password.
:param email: The user's email address, defaults to None.
:param admin: Whether the user is an administrator, defaults to False.
:param member: Whether the user is a member, defaults to True.
:return: A User object representing the created user.
:raises ValueError: If a user with the same name already exists.
# Hash the password.
pwhash: str = crypt.crypt(password, crypt.mksalt())
user_id: int = -1
with self.db.transaction() as c:
# Look up whether a user with the same name already exists.
c.execute('SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username = ?', [username])
if c.fetchone() is not None:
raise ValueError(f'A user with the name \'{username}\' already exists.')
# Insert the user into the database.
INSERT INTO users (username, email, password, balance, is_admin, is_member, lastchange, created)
VALUES (:username, :email, :pwhash, 0, :admin, :member, STRFTIME('%s', 'now'), STRFTIME('%s', 'now'))
''', {
'username': username,
'email': email,
'pwhash': pwhash,
'admin': admin,
'member': member
# Fetch the new user's rowid.
c.execute('SELECT last_insert_rowid()')
user_id = int(c.fetchone()[0])
return User(user_id, username, 0, email, admin, member)
def login(self, username: str, password: Optional[str] = None, touchkey: Optional[str] = None) -> User:
Validate a user's password or touchkey, and return a User object on success. EITHER password OR touchkey must
be provided, the other one must be None.
:param username: The username to login with.
:param password: The user's password.
:param touchkey: The user's touchkey.
:return: A User object.
:raises ValueError: If none or both of password and touchkey are provided.
:raises AuthenticationError: If the user does not exist or the password or touchkey is wrong.
if (password is None) == (touchkey is None):
raise ValueError('Exactly one of password and touchkey must be provided')
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
SELECT user_id, username, email, password, touchkey, is_admin, is_member, balance, receipt_pref
FROM users
WHERE username = ?
''', [username])
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise AuthenticationError('User does not exist')
user_id, username, email, pwhash, tkhash, admin, member, balance, receipt_p = row
if password is not None and not compare_digest(crypt.crypt(password, pwhash), pwhash):
raise AuthenticationError('Password mismatch')
elif touchkey is not None \
and tkhash is not None \
and not compare_digest(crypt.crypt(touchkey, tkhash), tkhash):
raise AuthenticationError('Touchkey mismatch')
elif touchkey is not None and tkhash is None:
raise AuthenticationError('Touchkey not set')
receipt_pref: ReceiptPreference = ReceiptPreference(receipt_p)
except ValueError:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'{receipt_p} is not a valid ReceiptPreference')
return User(user_id, username, balance, email, admin, member, receipt_pref)
def change_password(self, user: User, oldpass: str, newpass: str, verify_password: bool = True) -> None:
Change a user's password. Either the old password must be provided (for a password change by the user
him-/herself), or verify_password must be set to False (for a password change by an administrator).
:param user: User object representing the user to change the password for.
:param oldpass: The old password.
:param newpass: The new password.
:param verify_password: Whether to actually verify the old password, defaults to True.
:raises AuthenticationError: If the user does not exist or oldpass is wrong (if verify_password is True).
with self.db.transaction() as c:
# Fetch the old password.
SELECT password FROM users WHERE user_id = ?
''', [user.id])
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise AuthenticationError('User does not exist in database.')
# Verify the old password, if it should be verified.
if verify_password and not compare_digest(crypt.crypt(oldpass, row[0]), row[0]):
raise AuthenticationError('Old password does not match.')
# Hash the new password and write it to the database.
pwhash: str = crypt.crypt(newpass, crypt.mksalt())
UPDATE users SET password = :pwhash, lastchange = STRFTIME('%s', 'now') WHERE user_id = :user_id
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'pwhash': pwhash
def change_touchkey(self, user: User, password: str, touchkey: Optional[str], verify_password: bool = True) -> None:
Change a user's touchkey. Either the old password must be provided (for a password change by the user
him-/herself), or verify_password must be set to False (for a password change by an administrator).
:param user: User object representing the user to change the password for.
:param password: The user's password.
:param touchkey: The new touchkey.
:param verify_password: Whether to actually verify the password, defaults to True.
:raises AuthenticationError: If the user does not exist or password is wrong (if verify_password is True).
with self.db.transaction() as c:
# Fetch the password.
SELECT password FROM users WHERE user_id = ?
''', [user.id])
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise AuthenticationError('User does not exist in database.')
# Verify the password, if it should be verified.
if verify_password and not compare_digest(crypt.crypt(password, row[0]), row[0]):
raise AuthenticationError('Password does not match.')
# Hash the new touchkey and write it to the database.
tkhash: Optional[str] = crypt.crypt(touchkey, crypt.mksalt()) if touchkey is not None else None
UPDATE users SET touchkey = :tkhash, lastchange = STRFTIME('%s', 'now') WHERE user_id = :user_id
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'tkhash': tkhash
def change_user(self, user: User, agent: Optional[User], **kwargs) -> None:
Commit changes to the user in the database. If writing the requested changes succeeded, the values are updated
in the provided user object. Otherwise the user object is left untouched. The user to update is identified by
the ID field in the provided user object.
:param user: The user object to update and to identify the requested user by.
:param agent: The user that is performing the change. Must be present if the balance is changed.
:param kwargs: The properties to change.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the user represented by the object does not exist.
# Resolve the values to change
name: str = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else user.name
email: str = kwargs['email'] if 'email' in kwargs else user.email
is_admin: bool = kwargs['is_admin'] if 'is_admin' in kwargs else user.is_admin
is_member: bool = kwargs['is_member'] if 'is_member' in kwargs else user.is_member
balance: int = kwargs['balance'] if 'balance' in kwargs else user.balance
balance_reason: Optional[str] = kwargs['balance_reason'] if 'balance_reason' in kwargs else None
receipt_pref: ReceiptPreference = kwargs['receipt_pref'] if 'receipt_pref' in kwargs else user.receipt_pref
with self.db.transaction() as c:
c.execute('SELECT balance FROM users WHERE user_id = :user_id', {'user_id': user.id})
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'User with ID {user.id} does not exist')
oldbalance: int = row[0]
if balance != oldbalance:
if agent is None:
raise ValueError('agent must not be None for a balance change')
INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, value, old_balance)
VALUES (:user_id, :value, :old_balance)
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'value': balance - oldbalance,
'old_balance': oldbalance
INSERT INTO modifications (ta_id, agent, reason)
VALUES (last_insert_rowid(), :agent, :reason)
''', {
'agent': agent.name,
'reason': balance_reason
username = :username,
email = :email,
balance = :balance,
is_admin = :is_admin,
is_member = :is_member,
receipt_pref = :receipt_pref,
lastchange = STRFTIME('%s', 'now')
WHERE user_id = :user_id
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'username': name,
'email': email,
'balance': balance,
'is_admin': is_admin,
'is_member': is_member,
'receipt_pref': receipt_pref.value
# Only update the actual user object after the changes in the database succeeded
user.name = name
user.email = email
user.balance = balance
user.is_admin = is_admin
user.is_member = is_member
user.receipt_pref = receipt_pref
def delete_user(self, user: User) -> None:
Delete the user represented by the User object.
:param user: The user to delete.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the user represented by the object does not exist.
with self.db.transaction() as c:
WHERE user_id = ?
''', [user.id])
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(
f'delete_user should affect 1 users row, but affected {affected}')
def list_products(self) -> List[Product]:
Return a list of products in the database.
:return: A list of products.
products: List[Product] = []
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
for row in c.execute('''
SELECT product_id, name, price_member, price_non_member, stock
FROM products
product_id, name, price_member, price_external, stock = row
products.append(Product(product_id, name, price_member, price_external, stock))
return products
def get_product(self, pid: int) -> Product:
Return a product identified by its product ID.
:param pid: The products's ID.
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
# Fetch all values to construct the product
SELECT product_id, name, price_member, price_non_member, stock
FROM products
WHERE product_id = ?''',
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise ValueError(f'No product with product ID {pid} exists.')
# Unpack the row and construct the product
product_id, name, price_member, price_non_member, stock = row
return Product(product_id, name, price_member, price_non_member, stock)
def create_product(self, name: str, price_member: int, price_non_member: int) -> Product:
Creates a new product.
:param name: Name of the product.
:param price_member: Price of the product for members.
:param price_non_member: Price of the product for non-members.
:return: A Product object representing the created product.
:raises ValueError: If a product with the same name already exists.
product_id: int = -1
with self.db.transaction() as c:
c.execute('SELECT product_id FROM products WHERE name = ?', [name])
if c.fetchone() is not None:
raise ValueError(f'A product with the name \'{name}\' already exists.')
INSERT INTO products (name, price_member, price_non_member, stock)
VALUES (:name, :price_member, :price_non_member, 0)
''', {
'name': name,
'price_member': price_member,
'price_non_member': price_non_member
c.execute('SELECT last_insert_rowid()')
product_id = int(c.fetchone()[0])
return Product(product_id, name, price_member, price_non_member, 0)
def change_product(self, product: Product, **kwargs) -> None:
Commit changes to the product in the database. If writing the requested changes succeeded, the values are
updated in the provided product object. Otherwise the product object is left untouched. The product to update
is identified by the ID field in the provided product object.
:param product: The product object to update and to identify the requested product by.
:param kwargs: The properties to change.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the product represented by the object does not exist.
# Resolve the values to change
name: str = kwargs['name'] if 'name' in kwargs else product.name
price_member: int = kwargs['price_member'] if 'price_member' in kwargs else product.price_member
price_non_member: int = kwargs['price_non_member'] if 'price_non_member' in kwargs else product.price_non_member
stock: int = kwargs['stock'] if 'stock' in kwargs else product.stock
with self.db.transaction() as c:
UPDATE products
name = :name,
price_member = :price_member,
price_non_member = :price_non_member,
stock = :stock
WHERE product_id = :product_id
''', {
'product_id': product.id,
'name': name,
'price_member': price_member,
'price_non_member': price_non_member,
'stock': stock
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(
f'change_product should affect 1 products row, but affected {affected}')
# Only update the actual product object after the changes in the database succeeded
product.name = name
product.price_member = price_member
product.price_non_member = price_non_member
product.stock = stock
def delete_product(self, product: Product) -> None:
Write changes in the Product object to the database.
:param product: The product object to update in the database.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the product represented by the object does not exist.
with self.db.transaction() as c:
DELETE FROM products
WHERE product_id = ?
''', [product.id])
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(
f'delete_product should affect 1 products row, but affected {affected}')
def increment_consumption(self, user: User, product: Product) -> None:
Decrement the user's balance by the price of the product, decrement the products stock, and create an entry in
the statistics table.
:param user: The user buying a product.
:param product: The product the user is buying.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the user or the product does not exist in the database.
price: int = product.price_member if user.is_member else product.price_non_member
with self.db.transaction() as c:
INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, value, old_balance)
VALUES (:user_id, :value, :old_balance)
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'value': -price,
'old_balance': user.balance
INSERT INTO consumptions (ta_id, product)
VALUES (last_insert_rowid(), :product)
''', {
'product': product.name
# Subtract the price from the user's account balance.
UPDATE users
SET balance = balance - :cost
WHERE user_id = :user_id''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'cost': price
# Make sure exactly one user row was updated.
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(
f'increment_consumption should affect 1 users row, but affected {affected}')
# Subtract the number of purchased units from the product's stock.
UPDATE products
SET stock = stock - 1
WHERE product_id = :product_id
''', {
'product_id': product.id,
# Make sure exactly one product row was updated.
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(
f'increment_consumption should affect 1 products row, but affected {affected}')
# Reflect the change in the user and product objects
user.balance -= price
product.stock -= 1
def restock(self, product: Product, count: int) -> None:
Update the stock of a product.
:param product: The product to restock.
:param count: Number of units of the product to add.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the product represented by the object does not exist.
with self.db.transaction() as c:
UPDATE products
SET stock = stock + :count
WHERE product_id = :product_id
''', {
'product_id': product.id,
'count': count
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'restock should affect 1 products row, but affected {affected}')
# Reflect the change in the product object
product.stock += count
def deposit(self, user: User, amount: int) -> None:
Update the account balance of a user.
:param user: The user to update the account balance for.
:param amount: The amount to add to the account balance.
:raises DatabaseConsistencyError: If the user represented by the object does not exist.
if amount < 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot deposit a negative value')
with self.db.transaction() as c:
c.execute('''SELECT balance FROM users WHERE user_id = :user_id''',
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'No such user: {user.id}')
old_balance: int = row[0]
INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, value, old_balance)
VALUES (:user_id, :value, :old_balance)
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'value': amount,
'old_balance': old_balance
INSERT INTO deposits (ta_id)
VALUES (last_insert_rowid())
UPDATE users
SET balance = balance + :amount
WHERE user_id = :user_id
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'amount': amount
affected = c.execute('SELECT changes()').fetchone()[0]
if affected != 1:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'deposit should affect 1 users row, but affected {affected}')
# Reflect the change in the user object
user.balance = old_balance + amount
def check_receipt_due(self, user: User) -> bool:
if not isinstance(user.receipt_pref, ReceiptPreference):
raise TypeError()
if user.receipt_pref == ReceiptPreference.NONE or user.email is None:
return False
with self.db.transaction() as c:
SELECT COALESCE(MAX(r.date), u.created)
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN receipts AS r
ON r.user_id = u.user_id
WHERE u.user_id = :user_id
''', [user.id])
last_receipt: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(c.fetchone()[0])
next_receipt_due: datetime = user.receipt_pref.next_receipt_due(last_receipt)
return datetime.utcnow() > next_receipt_due
def create_receipt(self, user: User, write: bool = False) -> Receipt:
transactions: List[Transaction] = []
with self.db.transaction() as cursor:
SELECT COALESCE(MAX(r.date), u.created), COALESCE(MAX(r.last_ta_id), 0)
FROM users AS u
LEFT JOIN receipts AS r
ON r.user_id = u.user_id
WHERE u.user_id = :user_id
''', [user.id])
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is None:
raise DatabaseConsistencyError(f'No such user: {user.id}')
fromdate, min_id = row
created: datetime = datetime.fromtimestamp(fromdate)
t.ta_id, t.value, t.old_balance, COALESCE(t.date, 0),
c.ta_id, d.ta_id, m.ta_id, c.product, m.agent, m.reason
FROM transactions AS t
LEFT JOIN consumptions AS c
ON t.ta_id = c.ta_id
LEFT JOIN deposits AS d
ON t.ta_id = d.ta_id
LEFT JOIN modifications AS m
ON t.ta_id = m.ta_id
WHERE t.user_id = :user_id
AND t.ta_id > :min_id
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'min_id': min_id
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows:
ta_id, value, old_balance, date, c, d, m, c_prod, m_agent, m_reason = row
if c == ta_id:
t: Transaction = Consumption(ta_id, user, value, old_balance, datetime.fromtimestamp(date), c_prod)
elif d == ta_id:
t = Deposit(ta_id, user, value, old_balance, datetime.fromtimestamp(date))
elif m == ta_id:
t = Modification(ta_id, user, value, old_balance, datetime.fromtimestamp(date), m_agent, m_reason)
t = Transaction(ta_id, user, value, old_balance, datetime.fromtimestamp(date))
if write:
INSERT INTO receipts (user_id, first_ta_id, last_ta_id)
VALUES (:user_id, :first_ta, :last_ta)
''', {
'user_id': user.id,
'first_ta': transactions[0].id if len(transactions) != 0 else None,
'last_ta': transactions[-1].id if len(transactions) != 0 else None
cursor.execute('''SELECT last_insert_rowid()''')
receipt_id: int = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
receipt_id = -1
receipt = Receipt(receipt_id, transactions, user, created, datetime.utcnow())
return receipt
def generate_sales_statistics(self, from_date: datetime, to_date: datetime) -> Dict[str, Any]:
consumptions: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]] = dict()
total_income: int = 0
total_consumption: int = 0
total_balance: int = 0
positive_balance: int = 0
negative_balance: int = 0
total_deposits: int = 0
with self.db.transaction(exclusive=False) as c:
# Fetch sum of consumptions, grouped by products
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(t.value), 0), COUNT(c.ta_id), c.product
FROM transactions AS t
JOIN consumptions AS c
ON t.ta_id = c.ta_id
WHERE t.date >= :from_date
AND t.date < :to_date
GROUP BY c.product''', {
'from_date': from_date.timestamp(),
'to_date': to_date.timestamp()
for value, count, product in c.fetchall():
consumptions[product] = value, count
total_income -= value
total_consumption += count
# Fetch sum of balances, grouped by users
SELECT t.old_balance
FROM transactions AS t
WHERE t.date >= :to_date
AND t.user_id = u.user_id
), u.balance)
FROM users AS u
''', [to_date.timestamp()])
for balance, in c.fetchall():
if balance > 0:
positive_balance += balance
negative_balance += balance
total_balance += balance
# Fetch sum of deposits
FROM transactions AS t
JOIN deposits AS d
ON t.ta_id = d.ta_id
WHERE t.date >= :from_date
AND t.date < :to_date''', {
'from_date': from_date.timestamp(),
'to_date': to_date.timestamp()
for deposit, in c.fetchall():
total_deposits += deposit
return {
'consumptions': consumptions,
'total_income': total_income,
'total_consumption': total_consumption,
'total_balance': total_balance,
'positive_balance': positive_balance,
'negative_balance': negative_balance,
'total_deposits': total_deposits,