636 lines
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636 lines
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from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Set, Tuple, Type, Union
import logging
import os
import socket
import mimetypes
import magic
from socketserver import TCPServer
from http.server import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from http.cookies import SimpleCookie
from uuid import uuid4
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Event, Timer, Thread
import jinja2
from matemat import __version__ as matemat_version
from matemat.exceptions import HttpException
from matemat.webserver import RequestArguments, PageletResponse, RedirectResponse, TemplateResponse
from matemat.webserver.util import parse_args
from matemat.util.currency_format import format_chf
# Python internal class hacks
# Enable IPv6 support (IPv6/IPv4 dual-stack support should be implicitly enabled)
TCPServer.address_family = socket.AF_INET6
# Dictionary to hold registered pagelet paths and their handler functions
_PAGELET_PATHS: Dict[str, Callable[[str, # HTTP method (GET, POST, ...)
str, # Request path
RequestArguments, # HTTP Request arguments
Dict[str, Any], # Session vars
Dict[str, str], # Response headers
Dict[str, str]], # Items from the [Pagelets] section in the config file
Union[ # Return type: either a response body, or a redirect
bytes, str, # Response body: will assign HTTP/1.0 200 OK
PageletResponse, # A generic response
]]] = dict()
# The pagelet initialization functions, to be executed upon startup
_PAGELET_INIT_FUNCTIONS: Set[Callable[[Dict[str, str], logging.Logger], None]] = set()
_PAGELET_CRON_RUNNER: Callable[[Callable[[Dict[str, str], jinja2.Environment, logging.Logger], None]], None] = None
# Inactivity timeout for client sessions
_SESSION_TIMEOUT: int = 3600
_MAX_POST: int = 1_000_000
def pagelet(path: str):
Annotate a function to act as a pagelet (part of a website). The function will be called if a request is made to
the path specified as argument to the annotation.
The function must have the following signature:
(method: str,
path: str,
args: RequestArguments,
session_vars: Dict[str, Any],
headers: Dict[str, str],
config: Dict[str, str])
-> Union[bytes, str, Tuple[int, str]]
method: The HTTP method (GET, POST) that was used.
path: The path that was requested.
args: The arguments that were passed with the request (as GET or POST arguments).
session_vars: The session storage. May be read from and written to.
headers: The dictionary of HTTP response headers. Add headers you wish to send with the response.
config: The dictionary of variables read from the [Pagelets] section of the configuration file.
returns: One of the following:
- A HTTP Response body as str or bytes
- A PageletResponse class instance: An instance of (a subclass of)
matemat.webserver.PageletResponse, e.g. encapsulating a redirect or a Jinja2 template.
raises: HttpException: If a non-200 HTTP status code should be returned
:param path: The path to register the function for.
def http_handler(fun: Callable[[str,
Dict[str, Any],
Dict[str, str],
Dict[str, str]],
bytes, str,
# Add the function to the dict of pagelets
_PAGELET_PATHS[path] = fun
# Don't change the function itself at all
return fun
# Return the inner function (Python requires a "real" function annotation to not have any arguments except
# the function itself)
return http_handler
def pagelet_init(fun: Callable[[Dict[str, str], logging.Logger], None]):
Annotate a function to act as a pagelet initialization function. The function will be called when the webserver is
started. The function should set up everything required for pagelets to operate correctly, e.g. providing default
values for configuration items, or performing database schema migrations.
Any exception thrown by an initialization function will cause the web server to seize operation. Multiple
initialization functions can be used.
The function must have the following signature:
(config: Dict[str, str], logger: logging.Logger) -> None
config: The mutable dictionary of variables read from the [Pagelets] section of the configuration file.
logger: The server's logger instance.
returns: Nothing.
:param fun: The function to annotate
class _GlobalEventTimer(Thread):
A timer similar to threading.Timer, except that waits on an externally supplied threading.Event instance,
therefore allowing all timers waiting on the same event to be cancelled at once.
def __init__(self, interval: float, event: Event, fun, *args, **kwargs):
Create a new _GlobalEventTimer.
:param interval: The delay after which to run the function.
:param event: The external threading.Event to wait on.
:param fun: The function to call.
:param args: The positional arguments to pass to the function.
:param kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the function.
self.interval = interval
self.fun = fun
self.args = args if args is not None else []
self.kwargs = kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}
self.event = event
def run(self):
if not self.event.is_set():
self.fun(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
# Do NOT call event.set(), as done in threading.Timer, as that would cancel all other timers
def pagelet_cron(weeks: int = 0,
days: int = 0,
hours: int = 0,
seconds: int = 0,
minutes: int = 0,
milliseconds: int = 0,
microseconds: int = 0):
Annotate a function to act as a pagelet cron function. The function will be called in a regular interval, defined
by the arguments passed to the decorator, which are passed to a timedelta object.
The function must have the following signature:
(config: Dict[str, str], jinja_env: jinja2.Environment, logger: logging.Logger) -> None
config: The mutable dictionary of variables read from the [Pagelets] section of the configuration file.
jinja_env: The Jinja2 environment used by the web server.
logger: The server's logger instance.
returns: Nothing.
:param weeks: Number of weeks in the interval.
:param days: Number of days in the interval.
:param hours: Number of hours in the interval.
:param seconds: Number of seconds in the interval.
:param minutes: Number of minutes in the interval.
:param milliseconds: Number of milliseconds in the interval.
:param microseconds: Number of microseconds in the interval.
def cron_wrapper(fun: Callable[[Dict[str, str], jinja2.Environment, logging.Logger], None]):
# Create the timedelta object
delta: timedelta = timedelta(weeks=weeks,
# This function is called once in the specified interval
def cron():
# Set a new timer
t: Timer = _GlobalEventTimer(delta.total_seconds(), _PAGELET_CRON_STATIC_EVENT, cron)
# Have the cron job be picked up by the cron runner provided by the web server
if _PAGELET_CRON_RUNNER is not None:
# Set a timer to run the cron job after the specified interval
timer: Timer = _GlobalEventTimer(delta.total_seconds(), _PAGELET_CRON_STATIC_EVENT, cron)
return cron_wrapper
class MatematHTTPServer(HTTPServer):
A http.server.HTTPServer subclass that acts as a container for data that must be persistent between requests.
def __init__(self,
server_address: Any,
handler: Type[BaseHTTPRequestHandler],
staticroot: str,
templateroot: str,
pagelet_variables: Dict[str, str],
static_headers: Dict[str, str],
log_level: int,
log_handler: logging.Handler,
bind_and_activate: bool = True) -> None:
super().__init__(server_address, handler, bind_and_activate)
# Resolve webroot directory
self.webroot = os.path.abspath(staticroot)
# Set up session vars dict
self.session_vars: Dict[str, Tuple[datetime, Dict[str, Any]]] = dict()
# Set up pagelet arguments dict
self.pagelet_variables = pagelet_variables
# Set up static HTTP Response headers
self.static_headers = static_headers
# Set up the Jinja2 environment
self.jinja_env: jinja2.Environment = jinja2.Environment(
self.jinja_env.filters['chf'] = format_chf
# Set up logger
self.logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger('matemat.webserver')
# Set up the log handler's (obtained from config parsing) format string
log_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s'))
class MatematWebserver(object):
Then main webserver class, internally uses Python's http.server.
The server will serve a pagelet, if one is defined for a request path, else it will attempt to serve a static
resource from the webroot.
# Listen on all interfaces on port 80 (dual-stack IPv6/IPv4)
server = MatematWebserver('::', 80, webroot='/var/www/matemat')
# Start the server. This call blocks while the server is running.
def __init__(self,
listen: str,
port: int,
staticroot: str,
templateroot: str,
pagelet_variables: Dict[str, str],
headers: Dict[str, str],
log_level: int,
log_handler: logging.Handler) -> None:
Instantiate a MatematWebserver.
:param listen: The IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen on.
:param port: The TCP port to listen on.
:param staticroot: Path to the static webroot directory.
:param templateroot: Path to the Jinja2 templates root directory.
:param pagelet_variables: Dictionary of variables to pass to pagelet functions.
:param headers: Dictionary of statically configured headers.
:param log_level: The log level, as defined in the builtin logging module.
:param log_handler: The logging handler.
# IPv4 address detection heuristic
if ':' not in listen and '.' in listen:
# Rewrite IPv4 address to IPv6-mapped form
listen = f'::ffff:{listen}'
# Create the http server
self._httpd = MatematHTTPServer((listen, port),
def start(self) -> None:
Call all pagelet initialization functions and start the web server. This call blocks while the server is
running. If any exception is raised in the initialization phase, the program is terminated with a non-zero
exit code.
# Run all pagelet initialization functions
fun(self._httpd.pagelet_variables, self._httpd.logger)
# Set pagelet cron runner to self
_PAGELET_CRON_RUNNER = self._cron_runner
except BaseException as e:
# If an error occurs, log it and terminate
self._httpd.logger.critical('An initialization pagelet raised an error. Stopping.')
raise e
# If pagelet initialization went fine, start the HTTP server
# Cancel all cron timers at once when the webserver is shutting down
def _cron_runner(self, fun: Callable[[Dict[str, str], jinja2.Environment, logging.Logger], None]):
self._httpd.logger.info('Executing cron job "%s"', fun.__name__)
self._httpd.logger.info('Completed cron job "%s"', fun.__name__)
except BaseException as e:
self._httpd.logger.exception('Cron job "%s" failed:', fun.__name__, exc_info=e)
class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
HTTP Request handler.
This class parses HTTP requests, and calls the appropriate pagelets, or fetches a static resource from the webroot
def __init__(self, request: bytes, client_address: Tuple[str, int], server: HTTPServer) -> None:
super().__init__(request, client_address, server)
self.server: MatematHTTPServer
def server_version(self) -> str:
return f'matemat/{matemat_version}'
def _start_session(self) -> Tuple[str, datetime]:
Start a new session, or resume the session identified by the session cookie sent in the HTTP request.
:return: A tuple consisting of the session ID (a UUID string), and the session timeout date.
# Reference date for session timeout
now = datetime.utcnow()
# Parse cookies sent by the client
cookiestring = '\n'.join(self.headers.get_all('Cookie', failobj=[]))
cookie = SimpleCookie()
# Read the client's session ID, if any
session_id = str(cookie['matemat_session_id'].value) if 'matemat_session_id' in cookie else None
# If there is no active session, create a new session ID
if session_id is None or session_id not in self.server.session_vars:
session_id = str(uuid4())
self.server.logger.debug('Started session %s', session_id)
# Check for session timeout
if session_id in self.server.session_vars and self.server.session_vars[session_id][0] < now:
self.server.logger.debug('Session %s timed out', session_id)
raise TimeoutError('Session timed out.')
# Update or initialize the session timeout
if session_id not in self.server.session_vars:
self.server.session_vars[session_id] = (now + timedelta(seconds=_SESSION_TIMEOUT)), dict()
self.server.session_vars[session_id] = \
(now + timedelta(seconds=_SESSION_TIMEOUT), self.server.session_vars[session_id][1])
# Return the session ID and timeout
return session_id, self.server.session_vars[session_id][0]
def _end_session(self, session_id: str) -> None:
Destroy a session identified by the session ID.
:param session_id: ID of the session to destroy.
if session_id in self.server.session_vars:
del self.server.session_vars[session_id]
def _parse_pagelet_result(self,
pagelet_res: Union[bytes, # Response body as bytes
str, # Response body as str
PageletResponse], # Encapsulated or unresolved response body
headers: Dict[str, str]) \
-> Tuple[int, bytes]:
Process the return value of a pagelet function call.
:param pagelet_res: The pagelet return value.
:param headers: The dict of HTTP response headers, needed for setting the redirect header.
:return: The HTTP Response status code (an int) and body (a bytes).
:raises TypeError: If the pagelet result was not in the expected form.
# The HTTP Response Status Code, defaults to 200 OK
hsc: int = 200
# The HTTP Response body, defaults to empty
data: bytes = bytes()
# If the response is a bytes object, it is used without further modification
if isinstance(pagelet_res, bytes):
data = pagelet_res
# If the response is a str object, it is encoded into a bytes object
elif isinstance(pagelet_res, str):
data = pagelet_res.encode('utf-8')
# If the response is a PageletResponse object, the status code is extracted. Generation of the body depends
# on the subtype
elif isinstance(pagelet_res, PageletResponse):
hsc = pagelet_res.status
# If the object is a RedirectResponse instance, no body is needed
if isinstance(pagelet_res, RedirectResponse):
headers['Location'] = pagelet_res.location
# If the object is a TemplateRespinse instance, pass the Jinja2 environment instance for rendering
elif isinstance(pagelet_res, TemplateResponse):
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
data = pagelet_res._render(self.server.jinja_env)
# else: Empty body
raise TypeError(f'Return value of pagelet not understood: {pagelet_res}')
# Return the resulting status code and body
return hsc, data
def _handle(self, method: str, path: str, args: RequestArguments) -> None:
Handle a HTTP request by either dispatching it to the appropriate pagelet or by serving a static resource.
:param method: The HTTP request method (GET, POST).
:param path: The request path without GET arguments.
:param args: Arguments sent with the request. This includes GET and POST arguments, where the POST arguments
take precedence.
# Start or resume a session; redirect to / on session timeout
session_id, timeout = self._start_session()
except TimeoutError:
self.send_header('Set-Cookie', 'matemat_session_id=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT')
self.send_header('Location', '/')
self.session_id: str = session_id
# Set all static headers. These can still be overwritten by a pagelet
headers: Dict[str, str] = dict()
for k, v in self.server.static_headers.items():
headers[k] = v
# Call a pagelet function, if one is registered for the requested path
if path in _PAGELET_PATHS:
# Call the pagelet function
pagelet_res = _PAGELET_PATHS[path](method,
# Parse the pagelet's return value, vielding a HTTP status code and a response body
hsc, data = self._parse_pagelet_result(pagelet_res, headers)
# Send the HTTP status code
# Format the session cookie timeout string and send the session cookie header
expires = timeout.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
headers['Set-Cookie'] = f'matemat_session_id={session_id}; expires={expires}'
# Disable caching
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
# Compute the body length and add the appropriate header
headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(data))
# If the pagelet did not set its own Content-Type header, use libmagic to guess an appropriate one
if 'Content-Type' not in headers:
filemagic: magic.FileMagic = magic.detect_from_content(data)
mimetype: str = filemagic.mime_type
charset: str = filemagic.encoding
except ValueError:
mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
charset = 'binary'
# Only append the charset if it is not "binary"
if charset == 'binary':
headers['Content-Type'] = mimetype
headers['Content-Type'] = f'{mimetype}; charset={charset}'
# Send all headers set by the pagelet
for name, value in headers.items():
self.send_header(name, value)
# End the header section and write the body
# No pagelet function for this path, try a static serve instead
# Only HTTP GET is allowed, else reply with a 'Method Not Allowed' header
if method != 'GET':
# Create the absolute resource path, resolving '..'
filepath: str = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.server.webroot, path[1:]))
# Make sure the file is actually inside the webroot directory and that it exists
if os.path.commonpath([filepath, self.server.webroot]) == self.server.webroot and os.path.exists(filepath):
# Parse the If-Modified-Since header to check whether the browser can reuse cached content
datestr: str = self.headers.get('If-Modified-Since', 'Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT')
maxage: datetime = datetime.strptime(datestr, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')
# Get file modification time
filestat: int = int(os.path.getmtime(filepath))
# Create UTC datetime object from mtime
fileage: datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(filestat)
# If the file has not been replaced by a newer version than requested by the client, send a 304 response
if fileage <= maxage:
self.send_response(304, 'Not Modified')
self.send_header('Content-Length', '0')
# Open and read the file
with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
data = f.read()
# File read successfully, send 'OK' header
# Guess the MIME type by file extension, or use libmagic as fallback
# Use libmagic to guess the charset
exttype: str = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
filemagic: magic.FileMagic = magic.detect_from_filename(filepath)
mimetype: str = exttype if exttype is not None else filemagic.mime_type
charset: str = filemagic.encoding
except ValueError:
mimetype = 'application/octet-stream'
charset = 'binary'
# Send content type and length header. Only set the charset if it's not "binary"
if charset == 'binary':
headers['Content-Type'] = mimetype
headers['Content-Type'] = f'{mimetype}; charset={charset}'
headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(data))
headers['Last-Modified'] = fileage.strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=1'
# Send all headers
for name, value in headers.items():
self.send_header(name, value)
# Send the requested resource as response body
# File does not exist or path points outside the webroot directory
def _handle_request(self, method: str, path: str, args: RequestArguments):
self._handle(method, path, args)
# Special handling for some errors
except HttpException as e:
self.send_error(e.status, e.title, e.message)
if 500 <= e.status < 600:
self.send_error(500, 'Internal Server Error')
self.server.logger.exception('', exc_info=e)
self.server.logger.debug('', exc_info=e)
except PermissionError as e:
self.send_error(403, 'Forbidden')
self.server.logger.debug('', exc_info=e)
except ValueError as e:
self.send_error(400, 'Bad Request')
self.server.logger.debug('', exc_info=e)
except BaseException as e:
# Generic error handling
self.send_error(500, 'Internal Server Error')
self.server.logger.exception('', e.args, e)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def do_GET(self) -> None:
Called by BasicHTTPRequestHandler for GET requests.
# Parse the request and hand it to the handle function
path, args = parse_args(self.path)
self._handle_request('GET', path, args)
except ValueError as e:
self.send_error(400, 'Bad Request')
self.server.logger.debug('', exc_info=e)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def do_POST(self) -> None:
Called by BasicHTTPRequestHandler for POST requests.
# Read the POST body, if it exists, and its MIME type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded
clen: int = int(str(self.headers.get('Content-Length', failobj='0')))
if clen > _MAX_POST:
# Return a 413 error page if the request size exceeds boundaries
self.send_error(413, 'Payload Too Large')
self.server.logger.debug('', exc_info=HttpException(413, 'Payload Too Large'))
ctype: str = self.headers.get('Content-Type', failobj='application/octet-stream')
post: bytes = self.rfile.read(clen)
# Parse the request and hand it to the handle function
path, args = parse_args(self.path, postbody=post, enctype=ctype)
self._handle_request('POST', path, args)
except ValueError as e:
self.send_error(400, 'Bad Request')
self.server.logger.debug('', exc_info=e)
def session_vars(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Get the session variables for the current session.
:return: Dictionary of named session variables.
return self.server.session_vars[self.session_id][1]
def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
self.server.logger.info('%s %s from %s', self.requestline, code, self.client_address)
def log_error(self, fmt: str, *args):
self.server.logger.warning(f'{self.requestline} from {self.client_address}: {fmt}', *args)
def log_message(self, fmt, *args):
self.server.logger.info(fmt, *args)