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227 lines
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from typing import Any, Dict, Union
import os
import magic
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image
from matemat.webserver import pagelet, RequestArguments, PageletResponse, RedirectResponse, TemplateResponse
from matemat.util.currency_format import parse_chf
from matemat.db import MatematDatabase
from matemat.db.primitives import User, ReceiptPreference
from matemat.exceptions import DatabaseConsistencyError, HttpException
def admin(method: str,
path: str,
args: RequestArguments,
session_vars: Dict[str, Any],
headers: Dict[str, str],
config: Dict[str, str]) \
-> Union[str, bytes, PageletResponse]:
The admin panel, shows a user's own settings. Additionally, for administrators, settings to modify other users and
products are shown.
# If no user is logged in, redirect to the login page
if 'authentication_level' not in session_vars or 'authenticated_user' not in session_vars:
return RedirectResponse('/login')
authlevel: int = session_vars['authentication_level']
uid: int = session_vars['authenticated_user']
# Show a 403 Forbidden error page if no user is logged in (0) or a user logged in via touchkey (1)
if authlevel < 2:
raise HttpException(403)
# Connect to the database
with MatematDatabase(config['DatabaseFile']) as db:
# Fetch the authenticated user
user = db.get_user(uid)
# If the POST request contains a "change" parameter, delegate the change handling to the function below
if method == 'POST' and 'change' in args:
handle_change(args, user, db, config)
# If the POST request contains an "adminchange" parameter, delegate the change handling to the function below
elif method == 'POST' and 'adminchange' in args and user.is_admin:
handle_admin_change(args, db, config)
# Fetch all existing users and products from the database
users = db.list_users()
products = db.list_products()
# Render the "Admin/Settings" page
return TemplateResponse('admin.html',
authuser=user, authlevel=authlevel, users=users, products=products,
setupname=config['InstanceName'], config_smtp_enabled=config['SmtpSendReceipts'])
def handle_change(args: RequestArguments, user: User, db: MatematDatabase, config: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
Write the changes requested by a user for its own account to the database.
:param args: The RequestArguments object passed to the pagelet.
:param user: The user to edit.
:param db: The database facade where changes are written to.
:param config: The dictionary of config file entries from the [Pagelets] section.
# Read the type of change requested by the user, then switch over it
change = str(args.change)
# The user requested a modification of its general account information (username, email)
if change == 'account':
# Username and email must be set in the request arguments
if 'username' not in args or 'email' not in args:
username = str(args.username)
email = str(args.email)
# An empty e-mail field should be interpreted as NULL
if len(email) == 0:
email = None
receipt_pref = ReceiptPreference(int(str(args.receipt_pref)))
except ValueError:
# Attempt to update username, e-mail and receipt preference
db.change_user(user, agent=None, name=username, email=email, receipt_pref=receipt_pref)
except DatabaseConsistencyError:
# The user requested a password change
elif change == 'password':
# The old password and 2x the new password must be present
if 'oldpass' not in args or 'newpass' not in args or 'newpass2' not in args:
# Read the passwords from the request arguments
oldpass = str(args.oldpass)
newpass = str(args.newpass)
newpass2 = str(args.newpass2)
# The two instances of the new password must match
if newpass != newpass2:
raise ValueError('New passwords don\'t match')
# Write the new password to the database
db.change_password(user, oldpass, newpass)
# The user requested a touchkey change
elif change == 'touchkey':
# The touchkey must be present
if 'touchkey' not in args:
# Read the touchkey from the request arguments
touchkey = str(args.touchkey)
# An empty touchkey field should set the touchkey to NULL (disable touchkey login)
if len(touchkey) == 0:
touchkey = None
# Write the new touchkey to the database
db.change_touchkey(user, '', touchkey, verify_password=False)
# The user requested an avatar change
elif change == 'avatar':
# The new avatar field must be present
if 'avatar' not in args:
# Read the raw image data from the request
avatar = bytes(args.avatar)
# Only process the image, if its size is more than zero. Zero size means no new image was uploaded
if len(avatar) == 0:
# Detect the MIME type
filemagic: magic.FileMagic = magic.detect_from_content(avatar)
if not filemagic.mime_type.startswith('image/'):
# Create the absolute path of the upload directory
abspath: str = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(config['UploadDir']), 'thumbnails/users/')
os.makedirs(abspath, exist_ok=True)
# Parse the image data
image: Image = Image.open(BytesIO(avatar))
# Resize the image to 150x150
image.thumbnail((150, 150), Image.LANCZOS)
# Write the image to the file
image.save(os.path.join(abspath, f'{user.id}.png'), 'PNG')
except OSError:
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise ValueError('an argument not a string')
def handle_admin_change(args: RequestArguments, db: MatematDatabase, config: Dict[str, str]):
Write the changes requested by an admin for users of products.
:param args: The RequestArguments object passed to the pagelet.
:param db: The database facade where changes are written to.
:param config: The dictionary of config file entries from the [Pagelets] section.
# Read the type of change requested by the admin, then switch over it
change = str(args.adminchange)
# The user requested to create a new user
if change == 'newuser':
# Only create a new user if all required properties of the user are present in the request arguments
if 'username' not in args or 'email' not in args or 'password' not in args:
# Read the properties from the request arguments
username = str(args.username)
email = str(args.email)
# An empty e-mail field should be interpreted as NULL
if len(email) == 0:
email = None
password = str(args.password)
is_member = 'ismember' in args
is_admin = 'isadmin' in args
# Create the user in the database
db.create_user(username, password, email, member=is_member, admin=is_admin)
# The user requested to create a new product
elif change == 'newproduct':
# Only create a new product if all required properties of the product are present in the request arguments
if 'name' not in args or 'pricemember' not in args or 'pricenonmember' not in args:
# Read the properties from the request arguments
name = str(args.name)
price_member = parse_chf(str(args.pricemember))
price_non_member = parse_chf(str(args.pricenonmember))
# Create the user in the database
newproduct = db.create_product(name, price_member, price_non_member)
# If a new product image was uploaded, process it
if 'image' in args:
# Read the raw image data from the request
avatar = bytes(args.image)
# Only process the image, if its size is more than zero. Zero size means no new image was uploaded
if len(avatar) == 0:
# Detect the MIME type
filemagic: magic.FileMagic = magic.detect_from_content(avatar)
if not filemagic.mime_type.startswith('image/'):
# Create the absolute path of the upload directory
abspath: str = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(config['UploadDir']), 'thumbnails/products/')
os.makedirs(abspath, exist_ok=True)
# Parse the image data
image: Image = Image.open(BytesIO(avatar))
# Resize the image to 150x150
image.thumbnail((150, 150), Image.LANCZOS)
# Write the image to the file
image.save(os.path.join(abspath, f'{newproduct.id}.png'), 'PNG')
except OSError:
# The user requested to restock a product
elif change == 'restock':
# Only restock a product if all required properties are present in the request arguments
if 'productid' not in args or 'amount' not in args:
# Read the properties from the request arguments
productid = int(str(args.productid))
amount = int(str(args.amount))
# Fetch the product to restock from the database
product = db.get_product(productid)
# Write the new stock count to the database
db.restock(product, amount)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise ValueError('an argument not a string')