diff --git a/bsnotify/debian.control b/bsnotify/debian.control
index e154802..6932896 100644
--- a/bsnotify/debian.control
+++ b/bsnotify/debian.control
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ Description: Use Bambu Studio or Orca Slicer with printers outside your LAN
  happens using SSDP but due non-standard/broken implementation it does
  not work when they are on different LANs. Since BS lacks the simple
  ability to add printer via IP, SSDP is the only way.  Thats where
- bsnotify comes in, it will notify BS of printers outside your LAN.
\ No newline at end of file
+ bsnotify comes in, it will notify BS of printers outside your LAN.