Package: linux-diversion-__DEB_VERSION__-ath-regd-optional
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: Sebastian Philipp <>
Section: kernel
Priority: optional
Depends: linux-image-__DEB_VERSION__-amd64 (= __LINUX_REVISION__)
Description: ath kernel module diversion disabling faulty regdom sanitization
 Starting with linux-5.10, the "ath" wireless driver "sanitizes" the
 regdom value 0x00 (= unset) to 0x64 (= worldwide, most restricted),
 which works fine in STA mode, but  does not permit setting a more
 relaxed regdom in AP mode, breaking  5 GHz Wi-Fi.  This package diverts
 ath.ko and replaces it with a patched version that does not perform
 this sanitization procedure.