# prometheus-dnssec-exporter A Prometheus exporter that exposes metrics on DNSSEC-signed DNS zones. One of its core features is that it compares a zone's `CDS` record set to the `DS` record set in the parent zone. ## Installation ### From Source ```bash git clone https://gitlab.com/s3lph/prometheus-dnssec-exporter cd prometheus-dnssec-exporter make prometheus-dnssec-exporter ``` ### Debian Package There is an automatically built Debian package in my repository [https://repo.s3lph.me/]: ```bash wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/repo.s3lph.me.gpg https://repo.s3lph.me/debian/repo.s3lph.me.gpg echo "deb https://repo.s3lph.me/debian stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/repo.s3lph.me.list apt update apt install prometheus-dnssec-exporter ``` If you do not want to add my repository to your system, you can also download the deb package from the repository: https://repo.s3lph.me/debian/pool/main/p/prometheus-dnssec-exporter/ Or you can build the package yourself: https://gitlab.com/s3lph/custom-packages/-/blob/main/prometheus-dnssec-exporter/build.sh ## Usage ### Configuration The DNSSEC exporter requires a configuration file. When using the Debian package, this file is located at `/etc/prometheus/dnssec-exporter/config.yaml` ```yaml --- ## dnssec exporter configuration # #dns: # # The resolver to use. Must be DNSSEC validating, and # # must not strip DNSSEC responses. # resolver: # # List of zones to resolve. # zones: # - example.org. # - example.com. ## TLS and Basic Auth can be configured here as well, see for details: ## https://github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/blob/master/web/tls_config.go#L36 # #basic_auth_users: # user1: pass1 # user2: pass2 #tls_server_config: # cert_file: server.crt # key_file: server.key ``` You should at least provide the resolver to use (the DNSSEC exporter only works with a DNSSEC-validating resolver!) and the zones you want to collect metrics on: ```yaml --- dns: resolver: zones: - example.org. - example.com. ``` ### Running You can start the exporter using the following command: ```bash prometheus-dnssec-exporter --config=path/to/dnssec-exporter/config.yaml --web.listen-address=:9142 ``` The Debian package provides a systemd service unit that does the job for you: ```bash systemctl enable --now prometheus-dnssec-exporter ``` ## Metrics The following metrics are exposed at the `/metrics` HTTP endpoint: ```prometheus # HELP dnssec_cds_count Number of CDS records present in the zone # TYPE dnssec_cds_count gauge dnssec_cds_count{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 1 dnssec_cds_count{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 1 dnssec_cds_count{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 1 # HELP dnssec_cds_ds_match 1 if the CDS and DS records match, 0 otherwise # TYPE dnssec_cds_ds_match gauge dnssec_cds_ds_match{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 0 dnssec_cds_ds_match{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 1 dnssec_cds_ds_match{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 1 # HELP dnssec_cds_rcode RCode of the CDS record answer # TYPE dnssec_cds_rcode gauge dnssec_cds_rcode{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 0 dnssec_cds_rcode{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 0 dnssec_cds_rcode{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 0 # HELP dnssec_ds_count Number of DS record is present in the parent zone # TYPE dnssec_ds_count gauge dnssec_ds_count{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 1 dnssec_ds_count{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 1 dnssec_ds_count{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 1 # HELP dnssec_ds_rcode RCode of the DS record answer # TYPE dnssec_ds_rcode gauge dnssec_ds_rcode{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 0 dnssec_ds_rcode{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 0 dnssec_ds_rcode{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 0 # HELP dnssec_signature_ok 1 if the DNSSEC signature is present and valid, 0 otherwise # TYPE dnssec_signature_ok gauge dnssec_signature_ok{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 1 dnssec_signature_ok{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 1 dnssec_signature_ok{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 1 # HELP dnssec_signature_rcode RCode of the DNS query # TYPE dnssec_signature_rcode gauge dnssec_signature_rcode{parent="ch.",tld="ch.",zone="example.org."} 0 dnssec_signature_rcode{parent="me.",tld="me.",zone="example.com."} 0 dnssec_signature_rcode{parent="example.com.",tld="me.",zone="subdomain.example.com."} 0 ``` The two metrics that are probably the most important are: - `dnssec_signature_ok`: If this is 0, the chain of trust to your zone is broken. - `dnssec_cds_ds_match`: If this is 0, it's most likely a KSK rollover is in progress. If your registry does not support CDS submission, this is the sign that you need to replace the `DS` records in the parent zone.