package main import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "sort" "strings" "" "" "" prom "" "" "" "" "" "" kingpin "" "" ) const namespace = "dnssec" type MetricsCollector struct { Log log.Logger signatureOkMetric *prom.GaugeVec sokRcodeMetric *prom.GaugeVec dsCountMetric *prom.GaugeVec dsRcodeMetric *prom.GaugeVec cdsCountMetric *prom.GaugeVec cdsRcodeMetric *prom.GaugeVec cdsDsMatchMetric *prom.GaugeVec zones []string DNS dns.Client Resolver string } type DnsConfig struct { Resolver string `yaml:"resolver"` Zones []string `yaml:"zones"` RRTypes []string `yaml:"rrtypes"` } type DnssecConfig struct { DnsConfig DnsConfig `yaml:"dns"` } func b2f64(b bool) float64 { if b { return 1 } return 0 } func NewMetricsCollector(zonelist []string, resolver string, logger log.Logger) *MetricsCollector { signatureOkMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "signature_ok", Help: "1 if the DNSSEC signature is present and valid, 0 otherwise", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) sokRcodeMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "signature_rcode", Help: "RCode of the DNS query", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) dsCountMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "ds_count", Help: "Number of DS record is present in the parent zone", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) dsRcodeMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "ds_rcode", Help: "RCode of the DS record answer", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) cdsCountMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "cds_count", Help: "Number of CDS records present in the zone", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) cdsRcodeMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "cds_rcode", Help: "RCode of the CDS record answer", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) cdsDsMatchMetric := prom.NewGaugeVec( prom.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: namespace, Name: "cds_ds_match", Help: "1 if the CDS and DS records match, 0 otherwise", }, []string{"zone", "tld", "parent"}, ) collector := MetricsCollector{ signatureOkMetric: signatureOkMetric, sokRcodeMetric: sokRcodeMetric, dsCountMetric: dsCountMetric, dsRcodeMetric: dsRcodeMetric, cdsCountMetric: cdsCountMetric, cdsRcodeMetric: cdsRcodeMetric, cdsDsMatchMetric: cdsDsMatchMetric, zones: zonelist, Resolver: resolver, Log: logger, } return &collector } func (c *MetricsCollector) Describe(ch chan<- *prom.Desc) { c.signatureOkMetric.Describe(ch) c.sokRcodeMetric.Describe(ch) c.dsCountMetric.Describe(ch) c.dsRcodeMetric.Describe(ch) c.cdsCountMetric.Describe(ch) c.cdsRcodeMetric.Describe(ch) c.cdsDsMatchMetric.Describe(ch) } func (c *MetricsCollector) Collect(ch chan<- prom.Metric) { for _, zone := range c.zones { labels := strings.Split(zone, ".") tld := strings.Join(labels[len(labels)-2:], ".") parent := strings.Join(labels[1:], ".") promlabels := prom.Labels{ "zone": zone, "tld": tld, "parent": parent, } sok, sokrcode, _ := c.signatureOk(zone) c.sokRcodeMetric.With(promlabels).Set(float64(sokrcode)) c.signatureOkMetric.With(promlabels).Set(b2f64(sok)) dscount, dsrcode, cdscount, cdsrcode, cdm, _ := c.cdsDsMatches(zone) c.dsCountMetric.With(promlabels).Set(float64(dscount)) c.dsRcodeMetric.With(promlabels).Set(float64(dsrcode)) c.cdsCountMetric.With(promlabels).Set(float64(cdscount)) c.cdsRcodeMetric.With(promlabels).Set(float64(cdsrcode)) c.cdsDsMatchMetric.With(promlabels).Set(b2f64(cdm)) } c.signatureOkMetric.Collect(ch) c.sokRcodeMetric.Collect(ch) c.dsCountMetric.Collect(ch) c.dsRcodeMetric.Collect(ch) c.cdsCountMetric.Collect(ch) c.cdsRcodeMetric.Collect(ch) c.cdsDsMatchMetric.Collect(ch) } type DsData struct { KeyTag uint16 Algorithm uint8 DigestType uint8 Digest string } func Equal(a, b []DsData) bool { if len(a) != len(b) { return false } for i, v := range a { if v != b[i] { return false } } return true } func (c *MetricsCollector) signatureOk(zone string) (bool, int, error) { qsoa := new(dns.Msg) // Request DNSSEC information qsoa.SetEdns0(4096, true) qsoa.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(zone), dns.TypeSOA) rsoa, _, err := c.DNS.Exchange(qsoa, c.Resolver) if err != nil { return false, rsoa.MsgHdr.Rcode, err } level.Debug(c.Log).Log(fmt.Sprintf("SOA header: %+v\n", rsoa.MsgHdr)) return rsoa.MsgHdr.AuthenticatedData && rsoa.MsgHdr.Rcode == dns.RcodeSuccess, rsoa.MsgHdr.Rcode, nil } func (c *MetricsCollector) cdsDsMatches(zone string) (int, int, int, int, bool, error) { dsCount := 0 dsRcode := -1 cdsCount := 0 cdsRcode := -1 match := false var dsdata []DsData var cdsdata []DsData qcds := new(dns.Msg) qcds.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(zone), dns.TypeCDS) rcds, _, err1 := c.DNS.Exchange(qcds, c.Resolver) cdsRcode = rcds.MsgHdr.Rcode if err1 == nil { cdsCount = len(rcds.Answer) cdsdata = make([]DsData, len(rcds.Answer)) level.Debug(c.Log).Log(fmt.Sprintf("CDS data: %+v\n", rcds.Answer)) for i, a := range rcds.Answer { ds := a.(*dns.CDS).DS cdsdata[i] = DsData{ KeyTag: ds.KeyTag, Algorithm: ds.Algorithm, DigestType: ds.DigestType, Digest: ds.Digest, } } sort.SliceStable(cdsdata, func(a, b int) bool { return cdsdata[a].KeyTag < cdsdata[b].KeyTag }) } qds := new(dns.Msg) qds.SetQuestion(dns.Fqdn(zone), dns.TypeDS) rds, _, err2 := c.DNS.Exchange(qds, c.Resolver) dsRcode = rds.MsgHdr.Rcode if err2 == nil { dsCount = len(rds.Answer) dsdata = make([]DsData, len(rds.Answer)) level.Debug(c.Log).Log(fmt.Sprintf("DS data: %+v\n", rds.Answer)) for i, a := range rds.Answer { ds := a.(*dns.DS) dsdata[i] = DsData{ KeyTag: ds.KeyTag, Algorithm: ds.Algorithm, DigestType: ds.DigestType, Digest: ds.Digest, } } sort.SliceStable(dsdata, func(a, b int) bool { return dsdata[a].KeyTag < dsdata[b].KeyTag }) } if dsdata != nil && cdsdata != nil { match = cdsCount > 0 && Equal(dsdata, cdsdata) // special case: removal requested if len(cdsdata) == 1 && len(dsdata) == 0 && cdsdata[0].Algorithm == 0 { match = true } } return dsCount, dsRcode, cdsCount, cdsRcode, match, nil } func main() { var ( listenAddress = kingpin.Flag( "web.listen-address", "Address on which to expose metrics.", ).Default(":9142").String() metricsPath = kingpin.Flag( "web.metrics-path", "Path under which to expose metrics.", ).Default("/metrics").String() webConfigFile = kingpin.Flag( "web.config", "Path to web config yaml file.", ).Default("").String() configFile = kingpin.Flag( "config", "Path to config yaml file.", ).Default("").String() ) promlogConfig := &promlog.Config{} flag.AddFlags(kingpin.CommandLine, promlogConfig) kingpin.Version(version.Print("dnssec_exporter")) kingpin.CommandLine.UsageWriter(os.Stdout) kingpin.HelpFlag.Short('h') kingpin.Parse() logger := promlog.New(promlogConfig) logger = level.NewFilter(logger, level.AllowDebug()) config := DnssecConfig{ DnsConfig: DnsConfig{ Zones: []string{""}, Resolver: "", }, } if configFile != nil { content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configFile) if err != nil { level.Error(logger).Log(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &config) if err != nil { level.Error(logger).Log(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } } // Always add trailing dot for i, z := range config.DnsConfig.Zones { if z[len(z)-1] != byte('.') { config.DnsConfig.Zones[i] = z + "." } } metricsCollector := NewMetricsCollector(config.DnsConfig.Zones, config.DnsConfig.Resolver, logger) prom.MustRegister(metricsCollector) http.Handle(*metricsPath, promhttp.Handler()) server := &http.Server{Addr: *listenAddress} logger.Log(web.ListenAndServe(server, *webConfigFile, logger)) }