--- networks: # Each of these networks is connected to one of the routers. # These are the networks originated by their corresponding BGP routers. as23_1: driver: bridge enable_ipv6: true ipam: config: - subnet: fd00:d0ca:23:1::/64 ip_range: fd00:d0ca:23:1::/96 as42_1: driver: bridge enable_ipv6: true ipam: config: - subnet: fd00:d0ca:42:1::/64 ip_range: fd00:d0ca:42:1::/96 as1337_1: driver: bridge enable_ipv6: true ipam: config: - subnet: fd00:d0ca:1337:1::/64 ip_range: fd00:d0ca:1337:1::/96 # Each of these network is used for direct peering between two AS. as23_as42_1: driver: bridge enable_ipv6: true ipam: config: - subnet: fd00:d0ca:2342:1::/64 ip_range: fd00:d0ca:2342:1::/96 as23_as1337_1: driver: bridge enable_ipv6: true ipam: config: - subnet: fd00:d0ca:2313:1::/64 ip_range: fd00:d0ca:2313:1::/96 as42_as1337_1: driver: bridge enable_ipv6: true ipam: config: - subnet: fd00:d0ca:4213:1::/64 ip_range: fd00:d0ca:4213:1::/96 services: # The 3 eBGP routers as23: image: docker.io/openbgpd/openbgpd volumes: - ./as23/conf:/etc/bgpd sysctls: - net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 # Required order to actually forward packets cap_add: - NET_ADMIN # Required to add learned routes to the FIB networks: as23_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:23:1::10 as23_as42_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:2342:1::23 as23_as1337_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:2313:1::23 as42: image: docker.io/openbgpd/openbgpd volumes: - ./as42/conf:/etc/bgpd sysctls: - net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 cap_add: - NET_ADMIN networks: as42_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:42:1::10 as23_as42_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:2342:1::42 as42_as1337_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:4213:1::42 as1337: image: docker.io/openbgpd/openbgpd volumes: - ./as1337/conf:/etc/bgpd sysctls: - net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 cap_add: - NET_ADMIN networks: as1337_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:1337:1::10 as23_as1337_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:2313:1::1337 as42_as1337_1: ipv6_address: fd00:d0ca:4213:1::1337 # The looking glass server alice-lg: build: ../images/alice-lg volumes: - ./alice-lg:/etc/alice-lg network_mode: host