![3 «Set» cards](logo/webgames.svg) # Webgames Collection of just-good-enough browser-based multiplayer games written during COVID lockdown to play our favorite games remotely. * No authentication * No best practices * No sophisticated web framework * Just a bunch of multiplayer games quickly hacked together. ## Quickstart ``` python3 -m virtualenv venv . venv/bin/acticate pip install -e . python -m webgames 8080 ``` ## Games - **Sudoku**: Whoever finishes the sudoku first, wins - [**Set**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Set_(card_game)) - [**Carcassonne**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcassonne_(board_game)) including some of its extensions - [**Go**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(game)): Play against another player or against the [GNU Go](https://www.gnu.org/software/gnugo/) engine. **Requires GNU Go to run in GTP mode as an inetd-style service** (see below) ### GNU Go Systemd Socket The following example config configures a socket-actived systemd unit which runs GNU Go in GTP mode, listening on `/run/gnugo.sock`. **/etc/systemd/system/gnugo@.service**: ```ini [Unit] Description=GNU Go GTP Daemon [Service] StandardInput=socket ExecStart=/usr/games/gnugo --mode gtp DynamicUser=yes PrivateTmp=yes NoNewPrivileges=yes ProtectSystem=full ProtectHome=yes ``` **/etc/systemd/system/gnugo.socket**: ```ini [Unit] Description=GNU Go GTP Socket [Socket] ListenStream=/run/gnugo.sock Accept=true [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target ``` ## License Licensed under the MIT License. See [LICENSE](./LICENSE)