{% if not done and current_player.uuid != me.uuid %} {% endif %} {{ field }} {% if done %} Game Over! Return to lobby {% else %} {% if current_player.uuid == me.uuid %} It is your turn! {% if phase == 'place' %}Place your tile{% else %}Claim your resource{% endif %}
{% if phase == 'place' %} {{ card }} {% endif %} {% if phase == 'claim' %} {% for follower in me.followers %} {{ follower.resting_svg() }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{% else %}{# my turn #} It is {{ game._players[current_player.uuid].name }}'s turn. {% endif %}{# my turn #} {% endif %}{# done #} {% for player in players | sort(attribute='score', reverse=true) %} {% endfor %}
{{ game._players[player.uuid].name }} {{ player.followers | selectattr('resource', 'none') | list | length }} {{ player.score }}
Deck: {{ deck | length }}