forked from s3lph/matemat
Touchkey documentation & cleanup.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 214 additions and 102 deletions
@ -1,9 +1,32 @@
* Initialize the touchkey setup.
* Requires an empty SVG container, and a HTML input tag (recommended: type="hidden") to write the string representation
* to. Can additionally be provided with the ID of a HTML form which should be auto-submitted after touchkey entry.
* Example:
* <form id="touchkey-form" method="post" action="/login">
* <svg id="touchkey-svg"></svg>
* <input type="hidden" name="touchkey" id="touchkey-field" />
* </form>
* <script>
* initTouchkey(false, "touchkey-svg", "touchkey-form", "touchkey-field");
* </script>
* @param {boolean} keepPattern: Whether to keep the pattern on screen, or to clear it after the end event.
* @param {string} svgid: HTML id of the SVG container the touchkey is drawn in.
* @param {string} formid: HTML id of the form that should be submitted after touchkey entry. null to disable
* auto-submit.
* @param {string} formfieldid: ID of the input object that should receive the entered touchkey as its value.
initTouchkey = (keepPattern, svgid, formid, formfieldid) => {
// Define forEach (iteration) and slice (abused for shallow copying) on HTMLCollections (reuse the Array methods)
HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;
HTMLCollection.prototype.slice = Array.prototype.slice;
initTouchkey = (keepPattern, svgid, formid, formfieldid) => {
// Get the DOM objects for the SVG, the form and the input field
let svg = document.getElementById(svgid);
let form;
if (formid !== null) {
@ -11,122 +34,231 @@ initTouchkey = (keepPattern, svgid, formid, formfieldid) => {
let formfield = document.getElementById(formfieldid);
// Reference to the SVG line object that's currently being drawn by the user, or null, if none
let currentStroke = null;
// ID generator for the SVG line objects drawn by the user
let strokeId = 0;
// Set of touchkey pattern nodes that have already been visited by a users pattern, and may not be reused again
let doneMap = {};
// The string representation of the touchkey entered by the user.
let enteredKey = '';
* Helper function to create a new stroke after the user completed one stroke by connecting two pattern nodes.
* @param {number} fromX: X coordinate of the starting point of this line.
* @param {number} fromY: Y coordinate of the starting point of this line.
* @param {number} toX: X coordinate of the ending point of this line.
* @param {number} toY: Y coordinate of the ending point of this line.
* @returns {string} The ID of the generated line object.
let drawLine = (fromX, fromY, toX, toY) => {
// Create a new SVG line object
let line = document.createElementNS('', 'line');
let id = 'l-' + (strokeId++);
let idAttr = document.createAttribute('id');
let classAttr = document.createAttribute('class');
let x1attr = document.createAttribute('x1');
let y1attr = document.createAttribute('y1');
let x2attr = document.createAttribute('x2');
let y2attr = document.createAttribute('y2');
let styleAttr = document.createAttribute('style');
idAttr.value = id;
classAttr.value = 'l';
x1attr.value = fromX;
y1attr.value = fromY;
x2attr.value = toX;
y2attr.value = toY;
styleAttr.value = 'stroke: grey; stroke-width: 5%; stroke-linecap: round';
// Generate and set an unique ID for the line object
let id = 'touchkey-svg-stroke-' + (strokeId++);
line.setAttribute('id', id);
// Create and set the HTML class attribute
line.setAttribute('class', 'touchkey-svg-stroke');
// Create and set the coordinate attributes
line.setAttribute('x1', fromX.toString());
line.setAttribute('y1', fromY.toString());
line.setAttribute('x2', toX.toString());
line.setAttribute('y2', toY.toString());
// Create and set the style attribute (grey, circular ends, 5% width)
line.setAttribute('style', 'stroke: grey; stroke-width: 5%; stroke-linecap: round');
// Add the line to the SVG
// Return the previously generated ID to identify the line object by
return id;
* Helper function used to remove the "trailing stroke" (i.e. after the user let go, there is a dangling stroke from
* the node that was hit last to the mouse pointer/finger).
let endPath = () => {
// Remove the current stroke ...
// ... and set its reference to null
currentStroke = null;
* Helper function used to clear the touchkey pattern drawn by the user.
let clearTouchkey = () => {
// Reset the set of visited pattern nodes
doneMap = {};
// Reset the touchkey string representation
enteredKey = '';
svg.getElementsByClassName('l').slice().reverse().forEach((line) => {
// Remove all line objects. Create a shallow copy of the list first to retain deletion order.
svg.getElementsByClassName('touchkey-svg-stroke').slice().forEach((line) => {
svg.ontouchstart = svg.onmousedown = (ev) => {
const svgrect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
* Helper function to read and convert the event coordinates of a MouseEvent or TouchEvent to coordinates relative
* to the SVG's origin.
* @param {(MouseEvent|TouchEvent)} ev: The event to get the X and Y coordinates from.
* @param {(ClientRect|DOMRect)} svgrect: Bounds rectangle of the SVG container.
* @returns {Array} The X and Y coordinates relative to the SVG's origin.
let getEventCoordinates = (ev, svgrect) => {
// Check for existence of the "touches" property to distinguish between touch and mouse events
// For a touch event, take the page coordinates of the first touch
// For a mouse event, take the event coordinates
// Then subtract the SVG's origin from the page-relative coordinates to obtain the translated coordinates
const trX = (typeof ev.touches !== 'undefined' ? ev.touches[0].pageX : ev.x) - svgrect.left;
const trY = (typeof ev.touches !== 'undefined' ? ev.touches[0].pageY : ev.y) -;
return [trX, trY]
* Find the pattern node closest to a coordinate.
* @param {number} evX: X coordinate of the point to search the closest node for.
* @param {number} evY: Y coordinate of the point to search the closest node for.
* @param {(ClientRect|DOMRect)} svgrect: Bounds rectangle of the SVG container.
* @returns {Array} The node's ID, the squared distance, the X and Y coordinate of the node's center.
let getNearestPatternNode = (evX, evY, svgrect) => {
// Initialize nearest neighbors search variables
let minId = '';
let minDist = Infinity;
let minx = 0;
let miny = 0;
doneMap = {};
document.getElementsByClassName('c').forEach((circle) => {
let x = parseFloat(circle.getAttribute('cx')) / 100.0 * svgrect.width;
let y = parseFloat(circle.getAttribute('cy')) / 100.0 * svgrect.height;
let dist = Math.pow(trX - x, 2) + Math.pow(trY - y, 2);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
minId =;
minx = x;
miny = y;
let minDist2 = Infinity; // Squared distance
let minX = 0;
let minY = 0;
// Iterate the pattern nodes for nearest neighbors search
document.getElementsByClassName('touchkey-svg-node').forEach((node) => {
// Get the position of a node's center, converted from ratio into absolute pixel count
let x = parseFloat(node.getAttribute('cx')) / 100.0 * svgrect.width;
let y = parseFloat(node.getAttribute('cy')) / 100.0 * svgrect.height;
// Compute the squared distance from the event coordinate to the node's center
let dist2 = Math.pow(evX - x, 2) + Math.pow(evY - y, 2);
// Keep the properties of the closest node
if (dist2 < minDist2) {
minDist2 = dist2;
minId = node.dataset.stringRepresentation;
minX = x;
minY = y;
currentStroke = drawLine(minx, miny, trX, trY);
return [minId, minDist2, minX, minY];
* Event handler for "mouse down" / "touch down" events.
* Selects an "anchor node", i.e. the node where the pattern path started, and draws a line from there to the event
* coordinates.
svg.ontouchstart = svg.onmousedown = (ev) => {
// Remove any previous strokes that may still be there if "keepPattern" was set to true in the init call
// Get the SVG container's rectangle
const svgrect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
// Get the event coordinates relative to the SVG container's origin
const [trX, trY] = getEventCoordinates(ev, svgrect);
// Get the closest pattern node
const [minId, _, minX, minY] = getNearestPatternNode(trX, trY, svgrect);
// Create the line from the anchor node to the event position
currentStroke = drawLine(minX, minY, trX, trY);
// Mark the anchor node as visited
doneMap[minId] = 1;
// Add the anchor node's string representation to the touchkey string representation
enteredKey += minId;
svg.ontouchend = svg.onmouseup = (ev) => {
* Event handler for "mouse move" / "touch move" events.
svg.ontouchmove = svg.onmousemove = (ev) => {
// Only act if the user started is drawing a pattern (only relevant for mouse input)
if (currentStroke != null) {
// Get the SVG container's rectangle
const svgrect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
// Get the event coordinates relative to the SVG container's origin
const [trX, trY] = getEventCoordinates(ev, svgrect);
// Get the closest pattern node
const [minId, minDist2, minX, minY] = getNearestPatternNode(trX, trY, svgrect);
// If the closest node is not visited yet, and the event coordinate is less than ~44px from the node's
// center, snap the current stroke to the node, and create a new stroke starting from this node
if (minDist2 < 2000 && !(minId in doneMap)) {
// Snap the current stroke to the node
let line = svg.getElementById(currentStroke);
line.setAttribute('x2', minX.toString());
line.setAttribute('y2', minY.toString());
// Create a new line object from the closest node to the event position
currentStroke = drawLine(minX, minY, trX, trY);
// Mark the closest node as visited
doneMap[minId] = 1;
// Append its string representation to the touchkey string representation
enteredKey += minId;
} else {
// If the stroke was not snapped to the closest node, update its end position
let line = svg.getElementById(currentStroke);
line.setAttribute('x2', trX);
line.setAttribute('y2', trY);
* Event handler for "mouse up" / "touch end" events.
* Sets the input object value, and optionally clears the SVG path and submits the form.
svg.ontouchend = svg.onmouseup = () => {
// Remove the trailing, unfinished stroke
// Write the touchkey string representation to the input field
formfield.value = enteredKey;
// Erase the touchkey pattern, if requested in the init call
if (keepPattern !== true) {
// Submit the HTML form, if requested in the init call
if (formid !== null) {
svg.ontouchmove = svg.onmousemove = (ev) => {
const svgrect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
const trX = (typeof ev.touches !== 'undefined' ? ev.touches[0].pageX : ev.x) - svgrect.left;
const trY = (typeof ev.touches !== 'undefined' ? ev.touches[0].pageY : ev.y) -;
if (currentStroke != null) {
let minId = '';
let minDist = Infinity;
let minx = 0;
let miny = 0;
document.getElementsByClassName('c').forEach((circle) => {
let x = parseFloat(circle.getAttribute('cx')) / 100.0 * svgrect.width;
let y = parseFloat(circle.getAttribute('cy')) / 100.0 * svgrect.height;
let dist = Math.pow(trX - x, 2) + Math.pow(trY - y, 2);
if (dist < minDist) {
minDist = dist;
minId =;
minx = x;
miny = y;
* Create the SVG touchkey nodes
// Node ID provider
let touchkey_node_counter = 0;
// Percentages for centers of quarters of the container's width and height
['12.5%', '37.5%', '62.5%', '87.5%'].forEach((y) => {
['12.5%', '37.5%', '62.5%', '87.5%'].forEach((x) => {
// Create a new pattern node
let node = document.createElementNS('', 'circle');
// Generate a new ID (and the touchkey string representation from it)
let id = touchkey_node_counter++;
node.dataset.stringRepresentation = id.toString(16).toLowerCase();
// Class
node.setAttribute('class', 'touchkey-svg-node');
// Center
node.setAttribute('cx', x);
node.setAttribute('cy', y);
// Radius
node.setAttribute('r', '10%');
// Center color
node.setAttribute('fill', 'white');
// Circle color
node.setAttribute('stroke', 'grey');
// Circle width
node.setAttribute('stroke-width', '2%');
// Add the node to the SVG container
if (minDist < 2000 && !(minId in doneMap)) {
let line = svg.getElementById(currentStroke);
line.setAttribute('x2', minx);
line.setAttribute('y2', miny);
currentStroke = drawLine(minx, miny, trX, trY);
doneMap[minId] = 1;
enteredKey += minId;
let line = svg.getElementById(currentStroke);
line.setAttribute('x2', trX);
line.setAttribute('y2', trY);
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
<form id="admin-touchkey-form" method="post" action="/admin?change=touchkey" accept-charset="UTF-8">
Draw a new touchkey (leave empty to disable):
{% include "touchkey.svg" %}
<svg id="touchkey-svg" width="400" height="400"></svg>
<input id="admin-touchkey-touchkey" type="hidden" name="touchkey" value="" />
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
{% endblock %}
{% block main %}
{% include "touchkey.svg" %}
<svg id="touchkey-svg" width="400" height="400"></svg>
<form method="post" action="/touchkey" id="loginform" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="{{ uid }}" />
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
<svg id="touchkey-svg" width="400" height="400">
<circle class="c" id="0" cx="12.5%" cy="12.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="1" cx="37.5%" cy="12.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="2" cx="62.5%" cy="12.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="3" cx="87.5%" cy="12.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="4" cx="12.5%" cy="37.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="5" cx="37.5%" cy="37.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="6" cx="62.5%" cy="37.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="7" cx="87.5%" cy="37.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="8" cx="12.5%" cy="62.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="9" cx="37.5%" cy="62.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="a" cx="62.5%" cy="62.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="b" cx="87.5%" cy="62.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="c" cx="12.5%" cy="87.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="d" cx="37.5%" cy="87.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="e" cx="62.5%" cy="87.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
<circle class="c" id="f" cx="87.5%" cy="87.5%" r="10%" stroke="grey" stroke-width="2%" fill="white"/>
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 1.7 KiB |
Reference in a new issue