CoSin {{<cosin"date_year">}} takes place from {{<cosin_i18n"date_start_weekday">}}, {{<cosin_i18n"date_start_month">}} {{<cosin_humanize"date_start_day">}} until {{<cosin_i18n"date_end_weekday">}}, {{<cosin_i18n"date_end_month">}} {{<cosin_humanize"date_end_day">}} {{<cosin"date_year">}}.
Registration beforehand is not strictly necessary. You can just show up and participate if you like. However, we are grateful for everyone who registers in a timely manner. This helps us with planning the event and cooking appropriate amounts of food.
A warm dinner is provided for all participants on both Friday and Saturday evening. On Saturday and Sunday morning there will be breakfast available. The costs for all meals are included in the entrance fee.
The registration includes a form for people with allergies and those who prefer to eat vegetarian or vegan food. We will also make sure to label all food appropriately.
If you like to bring your computer, that's fine with us, in fact we encourage you to bring at least a laptop. However, all responsibility for such material is taken by its owner. There is only limited electric supply, so please leave your supercomputer at home and bring your notebook.
There is internet access with limited bandwith available. File sharing and illegal activities are not allowed, the line is provided by a private person which could be held liable.
Because of our limited space, please note that CoSin is not a lanparty. This doesn't mean we're generally against games, but we think that there are enough Lanpartys in Switzerland already.