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EasyWKS Changelog

Version 0.1.10

Bugfix release


  • RFC 3156 compliance: Don't base64-encode PGP/MIME messages

Version 0.1.9

Bugfix release


  • Proper handling of "Auto-Submitted: no" mail header
  • Fix signature verification of responses signed with a subkey

Version 0.1.8


  • Remove LMTP Recipient check as well, leads to trouble with postfix aliasing.

Version 0.1.7


  • Add file locking in order to avoid races between LMTP/process and HTTP.

Version 0.1.6


  • Remove LMTP Envelope-Sender check.
  • Debian package now includes an "easywks clean" cronjob.

Version 0.1.5

The messages sent by EasyWKS can now be customized.


  • Add responses config option.

Version 0.1.4

Fix HTTP server, compatibility with older HTTP clients


  • Fix config loading bug in webserver.
  • Add require_user_urlparam config option that makes the ?l=<user> query optional.

Version 0.1.3

Compatibility with gpg-wks-client.


  • Webserver config is now under a httpd key, to be more in line with lmtpd and smtp.
  • Add a permit_unsigned_response boolean key that, if set to true, instructs EasyWKS to accept confirmation responses even if they are unsigned, in order to be compatible with version -00 of the draft standard, and thus e.g. gpg-wks-client.
  • Change the detection logic between submission requests and confirmation requests from PGP signature checking to attempting to parse the message as a submission response first.
  • Add a __main__ module so that easywks can be invoked as a Python module.

Version 0.1.2

Fix even morecompatibility issues with aiosmtpd from Debian repo.


  • Fix #1: lmtpd not working with aiosmtpd 1.2.2

Version 0.1.1

Fix compatibility issues with aiosmtpd from Debian repo.


  • Fix compatibility issues with aiosmtpd from Debian repo.

Version 0.1

First release.


  • First somewhat stable version.