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feat: migrate from woodpecker to forgejo actions
2023-12-19 05:25:00 +01:00
.forgejo/workflows feat: migrate from woodpecker to forgejo actions 2023-12-19 05:25:00 +01:00
icalendar_timeseries_server feat: migrate from woodpecker to forgejo actions 2023-12-19 05:25:00 +01:00
package/debian/icalendar-timeseries-server feat: migrate from woodpecker to forgejo actions 2023-12-19 05:25:00 +01:00
.gitignore Rename project to icalendar-timeseries-server 2019-08-20 00:24:51 +02:00
.woodpecker.yml feat: migrate from woodpecker to forgejo actions 2023-12-19 05:25:00 +01:00
CHANGELOG.md feat: migrate from woodpecker to forgejo actions 2023-12-19 05:25:00 +01:00
Dockerfile Rename project to icalendar-timeseries-server 2019-08-20 00:24:51 +02:00
README.md 0.4.1 2021-05-24 05:33:32 +02:00
requirements.txt Rename project to icalendar-timeseries-server 2019-08-20 00:24:51 +02:00
setup.cfg Rename project to icalendar-timeseries-server 2019-08-20 00:24:51 +02:00
setup.py chore: migrate from gitlab-ci to woodpecker 2023-08-12 14:05:06 +02:00

iCalendar Timeseries Server

This project is a small service that scrapes iCalendar files served over HTTP, parses their contents and returns the data in a timeseries format compatible to the /api/v1/query API endpoint of a Prometheus server. This allows e.g. a Grafana administrator to add a Prometheus data source pointing at this server, returning calendar events in the event metric and todos in the todo metric.


Consider the following iCalendar file:

PRODID:-//ACME//NONSGML Rocket Powered Anvil//EN
DESCRIPTION:An example event
DESCRIPTION:Another example event

The server would transform this into the following API response:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "resultType": "vector",
    "result": [
        "metric": {
          "__name__": "event",
          "calendar": "0",
          "uid": "20190603T032500CEST-foo",
          "summary": "Foo",
          "description": "An example event"
        "value": [
        "metric": {
          "__name__": "event",
          "calendar": "1",
          "uid": "20190603T032500CEST-bar",
          "summary": "Bar",
          "description": "Another example event"
        "value": [


  • bottle: Serve the results
  • dateutil: Work with recurring events
  • icalendar: Parse iCalendar
  • isodate: Parse ISO-8601 time periods
  • jinja2: Template value replacements


Configuration is done through a JSON config file:


    "addr": "",
    "port": 8090,
    "start_delta": "-PT3H",
    "end_delta": "P30D",
    "tz": "Europe/Zurich",
    "calendars": {
        "private": {
            "url": "https://example.cloud/dav/me/private.ics",
            "auth": {
                "type": "basic",
                "username": "me",
                "password": "mysupersecurepassword"
        "public": {
            "interval": "P1D",
            "url": "https://example.cloud/dav/me/public.ics"
        "confidential": {
            "url": "https://example.cloud/dav/me/confidential.ics",
            "ca": "/etc/ssl/ca.pem",
            "auth": {
                "type": "tls",
                "keyfile": "/etc/ssl/client.pem",
                "passphrase": "mysupersecurepassword"
    "key_replace": {
        "summary": "01_summary",
        "description": "02_description"
    "value_replace": {
        "summary": "{{ summary|truncate(100) }}",
        "description": "{{ description|truncate(100) }}"


JMESPath Type Description
addr string The address to listen on.
port int The port to listen on.
start_delta string A signed ISO 8601 duration string, describing the event range start offset relative to the current time.
end_delta string An unsigned ISO 8601 duration string, describing the event range end offset relative to the current time.
tz string The local timezone.
calendars dict The calendars to scrape.
keys(calendars) string Name of the calendar.
calendars.*.url string The HTTP or HTTPS URL to scrape.
calendars.*.interval string An unsigned ISO 8601 duration string, describing the scrape interval for this calendar.
calendars.*.ca string Path to the CA certificate file to validate the server's TLS certificate against, in PEM format (optional).
calendars.*.auth dict Authorization config for the calendar.
calendars.*.auth[].type string Authorization type, one of none (no authorization), basic (HTTP Basic Authentication), tls (TLS client certificate).
calendars.*.auth[?type=='basic'].username string The Basic Auth username to authenticate with.
calendars.*.auth[?type=='basic'].password string The Basic Auth password to authenticate with.
calendars.*.auth[?type=='tls'].keyfile string Path to the key file containing the TLS private key, client certificate and certificate chain, in PEM format.
calendars.*.auth[?type=='tls'].passphrase string Passphrase for the private key (optional).
key_replace dict Labels to rename, might be necessary e.g. for column ordering in Grafana 6 and earlier.
keys(key_replace) string The labels to rename.
key_replace.* string The names to rename the labels to.
value_replace dict Label values to postprocess.
keys(value_replace) string Original label name to postprocess, also may introduce new labels.
value_replace.* string The new value for the label. Supports Jinja2 templates. All original label values can be accessed by using their original name as a Jinja2 variable name.


The most basic query is simply the metric name:


In addition, PromQL label filters can be used.


Alongside with events, todos are exported in a second time series:


Why Prometheus API

  • It's JSON. A JSON generator is builtin in Python, so no further dependency.
  • The Prometheus Data Source is builtin into Grafana.
  • The API is simple.