
238 lines
8.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
import base64
import json
from datetime import timedelta
import ssl
import urllib.request
import sys
import logging
import pytz
import jinja2
from isodate import Duration, parse_duration
from icalendar_timeseries_server import __version__
CONFIG: Optional['Config'] = None
JENV: Optional[jinja2.Environment] = None
__py_version: str = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}.{sys.version_info.micro}'
USER_AGENT: str = f'icalendar-timeseries-server/{__version__} (Python/{__py_version})'
class CalendarConfig:
def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any], config_path: str) -> None:
self._url: str = _keycheck('url', config, str, config_path)
self._scrape_interval: Duration = _parse_timedelta('interval', config, config_path, default_value='PT15M',
self._ca: Optional[str] = _keycheck('ca', config, str, config_path, optional=True)
auth: Dict[str, Any] = _keycheck('auth', config, dict, config_path, default_value={'type': 'none'})
self._authtype: str = _keycheck('type', auth, str, f'{config_path}.auth',
valid_values=['none', 'basic', 'tls'])
self._request_headers: Dict[str, str] = {
'User-Agent': USER_AGENT
if self._authtype == 'none':
# No auth, nothing to do
elif self._authtype == 'basic':
# Build the Authorization header required for HTTP Basic Auth
username: str = _keycheck('username', auth, str, f'{config_path}.auth')
password: str = _keycheck('password', auth, str, f'{config_path}.auth')
token: str = base64.b64encode(f'{username}:{password}'.encode()).decode()
self._request_headers['Authorization'] = f'Basic {token}'
elif self._authtype == 'tls':
# Store TLS config for later use
self._tls_keyfile: str = _keycheck('keyfile', auth, str, f'{config_path}.auth')
self._tls_passphrase: str = _keycheck('passphrase', auth, str, f'{config_path}.auth', optional=True)
def url(self) -> str:
return self._url
def interval(self) -> Duration:
return self._scrape_interval
def get_url_opener(self) -> urllib.request.OpenerDirector:
if self._authtype == 'tls':
# Create an OpenSSL context and load the CA and client certificates
context: ssl.SSLContext = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=self._ca)
context.load_cert_chain(certfile=self._tls_keyfile, password=self._tls_passphrase)
opener: urllib.request.OpenerDirector = \
elif self._ca is not None:
# No TLS Client Certificate, but load the CA certificate
context: ssl.SSLContext = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=self._ca)
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context=context))
# No TLS config, return default opener
opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
# Set request headers, at least User-Agent, optionally Authorization
opener.addheaders = [(k, v) for k, v in self._request_headers.items()]
return opener
class Config:
def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> None:
if config is None:
config = dict()
self._addr: str = _keycheck('addr', config, str, '', default_value='')
self._port: int = _keycheck('port', config, int, '', default_value=8090)
self._tz: pytz.tzinfo = _parse_timezone('tz', config, '', default_value='UTC')
self._start_delta: Duration = _parse_timedelta('start_delta', config, '', default_value='PT')
self._end_delta: Duration = _parse_timedelta('end_delta', config, '', default_value='P30D')
self._calendars: Dict[str, CalendarConfig] = self._parse_calendars_config('calendars', config, '')
self._key_replace = _parse_key_replace('key_replace', config, '')
self._value_replace = _parse_value_replace('value_replace', config, '')
def _parse_calendars_config(key: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
path: str) -> Dict[str, CalendarConfig]:
cdef: Dict[str, Any] = _keycheck(key, config, dict, path, default_value={})
calendars: Dict[str, CalendarConfig] = dict()
for name, c in cdef.items():
calendar: CalendarConfig = CalendarConfig(c, f'{path}.{name}')
calendars[name] = calendar
return calendars
def addr(self) -> str:
return self._addr
def port(self) -> int:
return self._port
def tz(self) -> pytz.tzinfo:
return self._tz
def start_delta(self) -> Duration:
return self._start_delta
def end_delta(self) -> Duration:
return self._end_delta
def calendars(self) -> Dict[str, CalendarConfig]:
return self._calendars
def key_replace(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self._key_replace
def value_replace(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
return self._value_replace
def _keycheck(key: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
typ: Type,
path: str,
default_value: Any = None,
optional: bool = False,
valid_values: Optional[List[Any]] = None) -> Any:
if key not in config:
if default_value is not None or optional:
return default_value
raise KeyError(f'Expected member "{key}" not found at path {path}')
value: Any = config[key]
if not isinstance(value, typ):
raise TypeError(f'Expected {typ.__name__}, not {type(value).__name__} for path {path}.{key}')
if valid_values is not None:
if value not in valid_values:
raise ValueError(f'Expected one of {", ".join(valid_values)} ({typ}), not {value} for path {path}.{key}')
return value
def _parse_timedelta(key: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
path: str,
default_value: Any = None,
force_positive: bool = False) -> Duration:
tdstring: str = _keycheck(key, config, str, path, default_value=default_value)
duration: Union[Duration, timedelta] = parse_duration(tdstring)
if isinstance(duration, timedelta):
duration = Duration(days=duration.days,
if force_positive and duration.total_seconds() < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Duration must be positive for path {path}.{key}')
return duration
def _parse_timezone(key: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
path: str,
default_value: Any = None) -> Any:
zonename: str = _keycheck(key, config, str, path, default_value=default_value)
return pytz.timezone(zonename)
def _parse_key_replace(key: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
key_replace: Dict[str, Any] = _keycheck(key, config, dict, path, default_value={})
for label in key_replace.keys():
_keycheck(label, key_replace, str, f'{path}.{key}')
return key_replace
def _parse_value_replace(key: str,
config: Dict[str, Any],
path: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
value_replace: Dict[str, Any] = _keycheck(key, config, dict, path, default_value={})
for label in value_replace.keys():
_keycheck(label, value_replace, str, f'{path}.{key}')
return value_replace
def get_config() -> Config:
global CONFIG
return CONFIG
def get_jenv() -> jinja2.Environment:
global JENV
return JENV
def load_config(filename: str):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
json_config = json.loads(f.read())
CONFIG = Config(json_config)
JENV = jinja2.Environment()
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
logging.exception('Cannot parse config JSON')
raise e
except Exception as e:
raise e
def load_default_config():
CONFIG = Config({})
JENV = jinja2.Environment()